Jan 5, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Happiness is Love - for some more than others!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Oops! Got a little tear in my eye. We all feel lonely from time to time. For me, 2020 and 2021 (Coronacrisis) was really touch being separated from my two daughters (5 years and 10 years separation) and family and friends, 400 km away with no partner, dog or like-minded people, around. Feelings of loneliness, are personal, of course, so everyone's experience of loneliness will be different. I always had a dog in my family and walked the dogs in my neighborhood as a boy, especially all the German shepherds. My sister and myself had a Rough Collie, he was the best and kindness dog ever. Could play soccer and best frisbee catching dog. He now and then, re-appears to say hello in my dreams. As a (looong time ago) former K-9 military police officer, perhaps, it's time to get, a dog again. Thinking about a Belgian Shepherd, but then again, I can't travel so easily and it's a huge responsibility. I do wish my oldest daughter(s) will return in 2022 so be it and so it is... PS: Sorry Folks! Not trying to ruined the Love-video-moment with memes and nude photos and being a cheeky bastard, but truth is, what it is... |

"The truth is, it doesn't matter how tightly you hold on to certain people, because at the end of the day, what is meant for you will always be yours. Trust me when I say, the right people will choose you just as deeply as you choose them. You will not have to beg for the love you deserve. You will not have to quiet the way your heart beats against your chest. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you will be someone's favorite thing, and you will not be confused, you will not feel like you are fighting for someone who is not fighting for you. One day, you will understand that it never mattered how hard you held on to the wrong things, how much you tried, because the right things were always unfolding before you. The right things were always choosing to stay." ~ BIANCA SPARACINO @MOONOMENS


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