Mike Adams - Naturalnews
Something huge will be unveiled on Jan. 6th
It's going to be a game-changer. Trump's team is set to unveil something huge on January 6th that they believe will change the outcome of the votes of Congress as they decide which slate of electors to accept.
With Lin Wood now confirming that Jeffrey Epstein is alive, and with Trump quietly signing a one-year extension of a powerful executive order on human trafficking, something massive is going to be unveiled in the next week, it seems, that could change the course of history.
6th Is Fast Approaching... (Newspaper Reports 'How Election Was Stolen')
While I realise the newspaper was published a while back - It is resurfacing and being used by the Trump Team to pressure MSM to follow up and run with the developing story.
Restored Republic Schedule of Events According to Charlie Ward:
Jan. 1 2021: Trump was expected to announce a return to the gold-backed dollar, plus 209 nations would begin implementing NESARA/ GESARA and debt forgiveness, all having placed their gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 par with each other. https://nypost.com/2020/12/31/trump-returning-to-white-house-early-from-mar-a-lago/
Between now and Jan. 7: A period of darkness
Jan. 7 to Jan. 17: A period of enlightenment
Jan. 21 2021: The Great Awakening
March 2021: John F. Kennedy Jr. (Juan O’Savin) indicated that the Alliance was planning on election of the new Restored Republic president and US government officials in March 2021. The election would be transparent, instantaneous and take place under the new and already tested Quantum Voting System where US citizens could vote using their own computers or phones.
Whether it is Biden or Trump, expect unexpected and radical violence. It just seems impossible at the time of this writing, but Trump’s chart does gather great strength at this time and especially around March and April, so regardless of what people want to believe he is not going away, as President or not. Consider that transiting Mars and Rahu will be on Trump’s Sun and transiting Jupiter will be casting a trine to his Sun in the 10th house. This inauguration will not be peaceful. This sets the stage for a very volatile year to come.
All this considered along with the coronavirus mutating and causing even more shutdowns, people want relief and are very frustrated with the events occurring. The global economy will spike upwards as Jupiter and Rahu are in a trinal aspect while Jupiter is in Capricorn, and Rahu is in Taurus, but this is very temporary. After events occurring in March and April, it will turn downwards.
I see relief from the virus as the vaccine is distributed, but there will be another host of events that will overshadow the virus. It is like an explosion of events that takes the world by surprise.
As unpopular as this message may be to many, I have to be true to what the stars are telling us.
You just cannot deny the volatile aspects happening this month. Many just want a peaceful transition in the government of the U.S., but I just cannot see it in the stars.etc. etc.
It's going to be a game-changer. Trump's team is set to unveil something huge on January 6th that they believe will change the outcome of the votes of Congress as they decide which slate of electors to accept.
With Lin Wood now confirming that Jeffrey Epstein is alive, and with Trump quietly signing a one-year extension of a powerful executive order on human trafficking, something massive is going to be unveiled in the next week, it seems, that could change the course of history.
Simon Parkes:
While I realise the newspaper was published a while back - It is resurfacing and being used by the Trump Team to pressure MSM to follow up and run with the developing story.
I understand that a few breakthroughs are just days away - And they need to - Because the 6th is fast approaching...
Hal Turner Radio Show
Catherine Austin Fitts on COVID-19 and Great Reset; All PLANNED Destruction to force us into Global Slave System
48 minute video: Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Intel Dinar Chronicles
Jan. 1 2021: Trump was expected to announce a return to the gold-backed dollar, plus 209 nations would begin implementing NESARA/ GESARA and debt forgiveness, all having placed their gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 par with each other. https://nypost.com/2020/12/31/trump-returning-to-white-house-early-from-mar-a-lago/
Between now and Jan. 7: A period of darkness
Jan. 7 to Jan. 17: A period of enlightenment
Jan. 21 2021: The Great Awakening
March 2021: John F. Kennedy Jr. (Juan O’Savin) indicated that the Alliance was planning on election of the new Restored Republic president and US government officials in March 2021. The election would be transparent, instantaneous and take place under the new and already tested Quantum Voting System where US citizens could vote using their own computers or phones.
Joni Patry (one of the most recognized Vedic astrologers in the world)
The month of January will be a turning point for 2021 and the stage will be set for what is to come. The most significant aspect is that Mars is in Aries from December 24 – February 22 and will conjoin Uranus. Interestingly, the exact conjunction occurs on Inauguration Day for the President of the United States. The U.S. is a divided nation that will begin to explode into an entirely different nation. This is the year that there will be war, and the Mars conjunct Uranus signifies an unexpected explosive event. That they conjunct on Inauguration Day represents major surprises on this day. Mars is violence and Uranus is unexpected events, plus the sign Aries magnifies the violent energy.
Almost everyone is prepared for the transfer of the government to the Democrats with Joe Biden as President, but the Mars and Uranus conjunction that occurs on Inauguration Day indicates there will be a very unexpected turn of events. Could this indicate the inauguration will not go as planned? There are two ways it could go: one is that Biden is not the one to be inaugurated, the other is that there will be a mass protest that results in violence, or the violence and protest could be due to Trump being inaugurated.
Whether it is Biden or Trump, expect unexpected and radical violence. It just seems impossible at the time of this writing, but Trump’s chart does gather great strength at this time and especially around March and April, so regardless of what people want to believe he is not going away, as President or not. Consider that transiting Mars and Rahu will be on Trump’s Sun and transiting Jupiter will be casting a trine to his Sun in the 10th house. This inauguration will not be peaceful. This sets the stage for a very volatile year to come.
All this considered along with the coronavirus mutating and causing even more shutdowns, people want relief and are very frustrated with the events occurring. The global economy will spike upwards as Jupiter and Rahu are in a trinal aspect while Jupiter is in Capricorn, and Rahu is in Taurus, but this is very temporary. After events occurring in March and April, it will turn downwards.
I see relief from the virus as the vaccine is distributed, but there will be another host of events that will overshadow the virus. It is like an explosion of events that takes the world by surprise.
As unpopular as this message may be to many, I have to be true to what the stars are telling us.
You just cannot deny the volatile aspects happening this month. Many just want a peaceful transition in the government of the U.S., but I just cannot see it in the stars.etc. etc.
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