Feb 25, 2019

NN | ~ Abandoning science in favor of coercion, FDA pharma mob bosses demand U.S. states eliminate vaccine exemptions… or else ~ | Blogger: Absolutely agree! Hear, hear!.. 💉😧🔫Unfortunately it's not only in America, Denmark, has similar laws, as of rest of EU... (The Danish knife law) .. (In Denmark, self-defence is not a legitimate reason for acquiring a weapon, and civilians are never granted a firearm licence for self-defence reasons) .. (The Danish government has drafted a bill that would legalise the use possession of pepper spray in the home, but ONLY if you buy it legal from danish govt controlled companies) .. (Copenhagen Police extend stop-and-search zone, for many cities) .. (Professor Peter Gotzsche Fired from Cochrane Collaboration, for criticizing HPV-vaccinations) .. (The City of Copenhagen offers free HPV vaccination for the girls in 6. grade) .. (New offer: Free HPV vaccine for school boys in Copenhagen) .. ("The Committee requests the Minister's reply to the following questions: L 127 Proposal for a law amending the Health Act. "Better digital collaboration in the health service, reminders for parents regarding child- hood vaccination and provisions on territorial validity for the Faroe Islands and Greenland". By the Health Minister - Ellen Trane Nørby) .. |

FDA threatens to force every child in America to be vaccinated against their will
Mike Adams
The FDA is now threatening to use government coercion -- what I describe as "at gunpoint" coercion -- to force all children in America to be vaccinated against their will.

Why do you think they want to confiscate all the guns in America, anyway? They want to make sure the government owns all the guns and can use them to force people to vaccinate their children, drink more fluoride, take more psychiatric drugs, pay confiscatory property taxes and do what they're told like obedient sheeple living under tyranny.

The FDA, like every other government agency, has gone rogue. Now, they're coming for your children.

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