Feb 1, 2019

2015attores | ~ Be your own leader: Your soul will always guide you to the truth ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Áttörés.. Verdensalt know some of these amazing souls trying so hard, preparing us all for what's coming and decrypting Cobra's messages... (my-take is that:) - Perhaps you're beginning to understand, that the Compression Breakthrough EVENT, has to start in ourselves, our body, mind, soul and spirit. There's no world Leader, Savior or benevolent Light Forces, who will do the inner work, for you... Make your own personal Soul Family mandala process, connecting to our soulmates, twin flames and soul family and become your own spiritual Leader... |

From now on, our international group of 6 close soul family members will publish on this blog. On the soul level we are of Sirian, Atlantian and Egyptian origins (among many other layers of course) and in our current incarnations we are from Romania and Hungary, brought together (once again) by Cobra's messages. First, we want to express our opinions on the recent confusion in the wake of his latest article.

My personal opinion about the whole confusion regarding some of the links Cobra posted in his latest article (for example the poem that speaks negatively about the Archangels Michael and Gabriel), is to always remember that you are a Divine Being of Light and as a Divine Being of Light you have the responsibility to pass all the information through your intuition, connect them with your soul, feel them, and your soul will always guide you to the truth. And YES, all of us have been programmed to just follow and obey, and we respect and love Cobra’s messages deeply, but he himself teaches us always to listen to our hearts, that we are our own leaders, guided by our own souls and he asks for co-creators, not followers. So, let’s focus on the bigger picture, let's stop losing ourselves in the small details, let’s ask for clarity all the time, and connection with our Higher Selves.


Victory of the Light!


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I think people who are following Cobra don't necessarily understand what he shares with us. There’s nothing wrong with this, until somebody's negative thoughts of misunderstanding trigger panic to others. This does not make any sense. If you don't understand something at the moment, please orientate yourself: use Google for example or any other search engine, or the libraries. There are a lot of opportunities in this world for orientation; we just have to use them! Cobra also gives clues about things he don’t want to explain: where we should look, gives an example or links something. You need to read these with a vindication, and you should always use your internal divining or guidance: is it true or false? Besides it's necessary to learn to see behind things, to understand metaphors it's crucial to look things up. For instance the ‘dark Michael and Gabriel’ in the linked poem was a metaphor for fallen angels. Don't be upset right away, you just should be more informed before you start fooling around on the net. That’s my opinion.

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The current confusion which already occurred many times before, regarding Cobra’s posts, leads to a basic problem: most people don’t believe in themselves, so they want others to tell or show them everything. Thousands of years of mind programming is based on this, and the dependent, follower, consumer mindsets and behaviors are the consequences of it. People are just incapable of being free. One of the basic functions of the matrix is to hide our co-creative nature and to make us forget about it, thus making us to create this disappointingly dark reality that makes us feel solitary, puzzled and powerless. A vicious circle that gets us into the habit of looking for answers and solutions from the outside, then the system provides some, the kind that keeps you in there of course. „Somebody tell me what to think/to feel/to do!” We call those who accept these from the TV, sleepers. So we could say that those who want the same from Cobra for example, are halfway sleeping…

Cobra isn’t spoon-feeding us with every detail for a reason. He told us countless times that we need to form and use our discernment: to educate and improve ourselves, to combine our understanding based on what we gained with our intuition and guidance. If Cobra, for instance doesn’t tell us directly that there’s no reason to fear the pole shift, because by then we can count on the help of the Confederation fleet with the mass relocation, then instead of freaking out, perhaps you should consult what can be known already about the subject… Or just look within!

Len Névte
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It's time to start working in cooperation at last. Working in unity. To focus on the common purpose. It is quite obvious that everybody has their „own cross to carry”, their own problems are the biggest for everyone. Because we all volunteered to incarnate to this dark world, which separates us from our Twin flames, also forces us to sign all those dark filth contracts, makes us to give up our abilities and powers and totally disconnects us from who we really are... because this is the only way we could infiltrate the system to hack it.
If you truly could work with love and cooperate and be emphatic, then you could understand what JOINT FORCE really is. Most of you experienced this before. The substance is the essence of your being which is YOUR SUBSTANCE.

Just imagine that if you could be consciously honest with yourselves and keeping the daily practice of your Divine Will's decision force - connected to your Inner Being - then all the matrix and dark grid would be ineffective, not only for your own lives but for the whole community. And we could easily and swiftly form a divine force in unity which would lead to immediate liberation. And we would bring the Event. Together would be easier, isn't it?

And Cobra talked about this countless times at his conferences...he gave us several tools, that you should take into consideration and learn to master it for yourselves. Not to mention that, there are other good spiritual teachings and techniques helping people: how to get rid of programmed belief systems which keep our minds in prison, and those that guide us to remember what we had forgotten. And then we could be more and more eager to manifest our own reality. So the task is obvious, the knowledge is available, and it should be used already!



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