Oct 8, 2017

All News Pipeline | Oct 8, 2017 | Has Huge Wave Anomaly From Antarctica To US East Coast 'Weaponized' Hurricane Nate? Bizarre Abnormalities Show Geoengineering Of The Weather Leaving 'Freeze Fry Extremes' | .. With hurricane Nate now pummeling the Louisiana area and parts of the Gulf Coast and poised to race up parts of the East coast just the latest monster to strike already hurricane-battered America, we take a look within this story at more signs we're witnessing weather modification and weather warfare playing out before our eyes. We also see a brand new video showing a huge 'wave anomaly' on the US Navy's MIMIC website which stretches from Antarctica to the US East coast, interacting with Nate as seen in the image above .. |

READ MORE:  http://allnewspipeline.com/Wave_Anomaly_From_Antarctica_To_US_East_Coast.php