Jun 28, 2017

Paradoxman316 -- YouTuber | June 28, 2017 | Ron Van Dyke Update ~ CORRUPTION, WHAT IS IT? with Christopher Tims |

Ron Van Dyke aka Paradoxman316 udsender daglige Youtube Videoer omkring vores Evolution, Revaluering, baseret på Spiritualitet og Opvågenhed.

Your Breakthrough Awaits !

At this time of the Great Awakening, a transcendence of consciousness asks each of us to let go of old ways. The essential teaching has remained unchanged since ancient times. There are no Masters, initiations, no baptisms, no anointments, no secret symbols or special requirements. There are no doctrinal texts or sacred rules. Neither is there a need for channeling, spiritual guides or any intermediaries between you and God, Oneness, Essential Unity. All that is required is just you, the Oneness that you are and of course, the courage to adventure beyond what you now know.....

 ~ Baraka Bashad, Christopher Tims

Another interesting conversation that brought up many subjects relevant to where we are in our unfolding human experience. We are, he says, always in a state of entropy; and we lack correct information about many subjects and systems in our world. We have been told that our eyes have not seen and our ears have not heard exactly what is to come. It is being created. We need to rise out of our forgetfulness and the misinformation that plagues society. Plato, he says, played a key role in the birth of the Piscean Age or an age of “nouning” naming things; and now we are birthing the Aquarian Age. In his Mystery School teachings he reminds us that everything is God. It is important that we question and get beyond the closed system, discerning the chaos and turmoil present in all age shifts. It's all part of the eternal big bang. Christopher’s newly redone website is christophertims.com. Check it out.