May 27, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | May 27, 2017 | A Message to Lightworkers |

A Message to Lightworkers 

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:Greetings, Makers of the New Earth! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

Many of you feel that you are, as they say, “suffering another setback” as you look at this past week with dismay, regarding both world events and individual challenges.

We use the term “challenges” rather than “problem,” as that word implies stuckness, and you are never stuck, however you may feel about any situation at any time.

A Challenge is not a problem, but a situation that calls you up into the gifts, abilities, and outlook of your greater self.

That more powerful self is centered in not only the higher self but your most Divine aspect, and your soul.

And in these days of exhausting and completely re-forming changes, as you integrate the solar energies now reaching Earth, you may wonder if your higher self has gone into hibernation, or chosen to hide from you indefinitely.

And we would say, that even in the moments that feel that way, that could never be true.

There was of course a very sad and quite difficult day in England this past week, in which young people who had gathered for a joyful celebration instead found themselves in a situation of physical danger and emotional trauma.

And most assuredly, some persons present at that event did leave their physical form and their Earth lives, reuniting with their higher selves and their soul families, or at least, beginning the transition to such.

This is of course extremely difficult for those on Earth who are for the most part, still living “behind the veil.”

For most of their loved ones still on Earth are unable to conceive of their friends and family members being in not just “a better place,” but suddenly finding themselves traveling into some of the most beautiful, fulfilling, and celebrational aspects of this Universe.

And so, they grieve what they call a loss, though truly, no real loss has occurred.

For though they are still adjusting to their new situation, those who left the Earth this past week, due to that event and myriad other situations, are not grieving. They are reuniting with the very loved ones they left after choosing to live yet another Earth life.

It is of course difficult for them to leave their loved ones behind, knowing these ones will not understand that all is well, and will believe themselves to be separate from those who have moved on.

Your playwright known as Shakespeare (actually St Germain, in his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon) had his Hamlet call death “that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.”

Yet Hamlet was one for whom the veil was very heavy.

In truth, you have all returned from that much-discovered country, many times.

And once you Ascend into a higher dimension in this particular lifetime, most of you will choose to never again experience the travails and heaviness of a third dimensional life.

Yet something interesting has occurred in this particular third dimensional life.

For unlike all the others, you are no longer on that karmic wheel so many refer to.

And while the genuinely hard work of sorting through both past life issues and the challenges of this Earth life can take more strength and ingenuity than you may feel to have some days, you are nonetheless moving up that Ascension path, reclaiming your higher and most authentic self, while releasing everyone and everything that does not resonate with your new, far higher vibration.

And so you may wish to enact a few changes, in celebration of such.

To periodically go through your home, going over your belongings and deciding which items were appropriate for your old life, but do not hold a high enough vibration for your new life.

You may wish to look at your friendships, your daily work, the town where you live, and even a marriage or other partnership, and ask, “Does this situation reflect who I AM now, and who I AM becoming? Or does this belong to a chapter that has ended?”

We have noted in other Messages to you, that much in your world is in a powerful state of transition now, which at times can appear calamitous.

So that it may feel as if you are experiencing a very great earthquake or flood—a cataclysm of some sort, that is shaking you to the core, removing or replacing whole aspects of your outer life and revising much of your inner life . . .


Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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