Oct 29, 2016

AI Artificial Intelligence, "Time Pirates" Chronogarchy & 2016: Alfred Lambremont Webre (Blogger: One of my US friends suggested me to watch this video that kept her up all night... First good questions from Mark snider was: ".. after Hillary Clinton collapses (early exit from 9/11 memorial) we saw what looked like a body double, I wondered is there any legal issue presenting a body double during an election?... Alfred Lambremont Webre goes on, that ".. the shadow government has time-travel technologies that they manipulate the political governmental machinery to keep them selves in power. Obama, Bushes has been pre-selected and groomed to be U.S. Presidents. Time-travel pirates has 'life and death' control. The US is runned by this secret time-travel time government. Putin knows is, China and the rest of the world knows it, and tries to get rid of and release the world from. AI Artificial Intelligence has now taken over the third density of this planet and taken over military, medical facilities, psychiactric systems and soon able to 'read our minds' by directed-energy weapons after AI's next incarnation. That means, a person on earth that starts to have a 'prohibit though' that would be maked, knock on the door and they come an take you away.... etc. etc.".... Blogger: Wow.. I've heard that before (some of the stuff about the presidents) ... just wanna stop here! Two things goes in to my mind... 1. Lead me to this newest Marvel’s movie "Doctor Strange" (amazingly good) with this time & mind-bending climax, spiritual kaleidoscopic tangle and what i would consider a malicious artificial intelligence who are terraforming earth or an AI transhumanist planet.... 2. Just to give you a example from 'real' life as many knows it - One year after terror incident (krudttønden), 58 percent of Danes fear of new terrorist attacks in Denmark, that's a fact... So, former Minister of Justice Mette Frederiksen has secretly mad a deal which has bypassed the danish people. The danish government with their danish security and Intelligence service (PET) and the National Police of Denmark buys controversial surveillance system at NSA supplier company Palantir Technologies, which also has the American intelligence agencies CIA, FBI on the customer list. Critics call this system 'Scary' and 'problematic'. This system operates entirely on AI Artificial Intelligence for ’predictive policing’ (similar to the movie 'Minority Report' - 2002) on large groups of 'innocent' suspects citizens, ie mass surveillance type of weapon. "This type of monitoring is always presented to the public as something to be used against the terrorist threat and under very specific circumstances. But it seeps slowly and is used more commonly policing. And at some point it might be used against all kinds of crime. It is very dangerous, " acc. to Edin Omanovic from Privacy International...)

Published on Oct 28, 2016
AI Artificial Intelligence, “Time Pirates” Chronogarchy & the 2016 Election: Alfred Lambremont Webre & Host Mark Snider


Danmark køber kontroversielt overvågningssystem hos NSA-leverandør

Lasse Ørum Klinke

Millionordren på PET og Rigspolitiets nye efterretningsplatform er gået til virksomheden Palantir Technologies, der også har de amerikanske efterretningstjenester CIA, FBI og NSA på kundelisten. Kritiker kalder systemet for ‘skræmmende’.

Det bliver det amerikanske overvågningsfirma Palantir Technologies, som løber med millionordren på både Rigspolitiets og Politiets Efterretningstjenestes nye ambitiøse efterretningsplatform.

Det skriver Information, som har fået aktindsigt hos Rigspolitiet.

Palantir Technologies vurderes til at være blandt de mest værdifulde teknologiselskaber i Silicon Valley og har kunder i både det offentlige og i den finansielle sektor. Men det er også et kontroversielt selskab.

»Det er et firma med et meget dårligt ry blandt borgerretsorganisationer, fordi Palantirs systemer typisk bruges til håndtering af oplysninger om store grupper af ikke mistænkte borgere, altså masseovervågning. Det gør mig meget skeptisk overfor, hvad det er for et system, man ønsker at købe,« siger Jesper Lund, der er formand for IT-Politisk Forening, til Information.