Aug 10, 2023

😲🛸🙃 (Mirage Men: UFOs - weapons of mass deception? Who can we trust?) Glenn Beck: "Are Aliens & UFOs a Government Psyop? | Ep 295" [53:28 video (cc)] ~ Aug 10, 2023 ~ |

© - compilation - Aerospace and defense companies - Fox Mulder: "I Want to Believe"

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 😮🛸🙃 ~ (Been there, Done that!) This Just Happened at AREA 51… (LUFOS censored Archive Nov 2020) ~ 
(5) Facebook

21 levels of Security Clearances above POTUS, page 1 (
Above Top Secret: Security Clearances Explained (
Classified information - Wikipedia

'Not many souls on Earth has the very top "Majestic" clearance to know it all. I.e. the 38th (or 46th) top level secret clearance of the US which is 21 level higher than the US president. Let's assume the real (Pres.) Trump and 2nd (body double) Pres. Putin knows a hell of a lot more than they let us to believe ~ SoTW

😋You want more? 
  • Have I been to "Mad" Mike Hughes hideout (yeah). 
  • "Back Gate" to Area 51 (yes sir). 
  • MUFON & International UFO Congresses (of course). 
  • Together with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta seeing 20-30 UFO's (Absolutely). 
  • Sedona UFO and Vortex Tours (I confess). 
  • Talked to people within the US-MIC (you bet your sweet bippy I did)... 
🤔Why this crazy UFO interest SoTW?... Not sure really? 
  • Space: 1999 (1975) Star Trek / Star Wars fan (1977)...
  • A deep inside knowing higher self and seen UFO IRL...
  • Maaany years of Cobra School!...
  • My danish holistic doctor knowledge!...
  • Reiki healing & Inaugurated in Kriya Yoga & Horoskop activations...
  • As former danish military police recruit in the Royal Danish Air Force!...
  • Take a pick.. |

Glenn takes an honest look at the latest revelations about UFOs. This is either the biggest news story in history or the biggest hoax in history. Is there any truth to the recent whistleblower testimony before Congress? Or is this just the latest in a long history of UFO psyops by our government? The recent congressional hearing on UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) is historic because of the mind-blowing testimony from whistleblower David Grusch. It’s the first time that a former federal intelligence officer has admitted under oath that activity related to potentially alien craft is being performed by a secret government program in cooperation with defense contractors. Grusch also alleges that this has been going on for decades and that he has been briefed on these details by multiple high-level intelligence officers and personnel with firsthand knowledge of the program. Oh, and it all happens to be going down outside the purview of Congress. Glenn interviews Michael Shellenberger, investigative journalist and founder of “Public” on Substack. Michael interviewed several high security clearance intelligence officers who corroborate much of Grusch’s testimony about the U.S. government possessing alien spacecraft and say the government has located more than a dozen non-human craft since WWII. “The idea is so shocking that you kind of have to be like there's some big chance that's not true,” Michael says, “but if this is true, this means we’re not alone and we haven't been for a long time.”

1 comment:

  1. Mit vidnesbyrd om, hvordan jeg blev medlem af Illuminati. Jeg ønsker at møde folk, der ønsker at slutte sig til den store Illuminati som et fantastisk medlem af Illuminati, der ønsker mig som et fantastisk medlem. Hans navn er Lord Felix Morgan. Hjælp mig med at genoprette mit liv fra dødsstadiet. Udskrives efter cirka 2 år og seks måneder. Efter at være blevet forrådt af så mange medlemmer af Illuminati. I årenes løb var jeg håbløs og økonomisk i jorden. Men en dag, mens jeg surfede på internettet, stødte jeg på indlægget af den store Illuminati Lord Felix Morgan, og det sagde, at hvis du er en af de store Illuminati, kan du blive berømt, rig og succesfuld i livet. Jeg kontaktede ham og forklarede alt, og han anbefalede registreringsdatabasen, der blev brugt, og jeg betalte for det store medlem for at hjælpe mig i gang, og jeg blev indviet i Illuminati World Order. Derefter gav de mig alle retningslinjerne og lod mig vide, at efter indledningen vil de nye medlemmer blive belønnet med summen af $1.000.000 kontant. Med hjælp fra Lord Felix Morgan. Jeg var fuldt indviet som fuldgyldigt medlem af Illuminati. Hvis dit råd er, at du har prøvet en svindler før eller er det, er det op til mig at hjælpe dig med at deltage, så prøv Lord Morgan. Det er din bedste chance for at blive det, du ønsker i dit fremtidige liv. Kontakt ham på WhatsApp +2348055459757 eller e-mail:
