Oct 14, 2016

Corey Goode SBA Update: (Blogger: Project Iceworm/Camp Century var kodenavnet på den amerikanske hærs tophemmelig program under den kolde krig. Formålet var at opbygge og teste et netværk af mobile atommissil-baser under Indlandsisen på Grønland og på Arktis. Den amerikanske hær nåede at bygge to baser i Nordvestgrønland og den gamle base Bluie East 2, henholdsvis i 1947 og 1967. Selvom det lyder som ren fantasi, fortæller Gorey Goode os nu, at disse type installationer er en tro kopi af hvad man byggede på Mars og Månens bagside tilbage i 1930'erne. Vores yderst troværdige landmandssøn, politiker Esben Lunde Larsen proklamere at: »Grønland skal ikke være verdens skraldespand.« og kræver at USA rydder op for de 9.200 ton fast affald foruden betydelige mængder dieselolie og biologisk spildevand samt miljøfarlig PCB og lavradioaktivt affald. Det vil USA naturligvis ikke, nøjagtigt som det skete i Irak og alle andre steder i verden hvor det Militær-industrielle kompleks har haft baser. I den virkelige verden, drejer det sig om at vildlede og skabe en illusion om, at politikerne har fokus på danskernes interesse for miljøpolitik. Offentliggjorte lækkede Hillary Clinton emails fra WikiLeaks i 2012, viser med al tydelighed, at Arktis (Canada, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Rusland, samt hele Island, Grønland og Alaska) har enorme unyttede forekomster på råstofferne olie og gas, uran og thorium. Selskaber så som Exxon Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Gazprom, Total of France samt Norges Statoil har for længst gået igang med at få kontrakter i hus. Starten af 2016, underskrev regeringen(Udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen) og Grønlands landsstyre en række aftaler om samarbejdet om fremtidig udvinding og eksport af uran fra Grønland. Kristian Jensen, fra det næst mest magtfulde ministerium, har også godkendt frihandelsaftale mellem EU og Canada (CETA og TTIP) til midlertidig anvendelse, før Folketinget har taget stilling. Dvs. vores politiske totalitært regime har netop overgivet alt magt til USA inc. og gigantiske selskaber som vil tjene penge på minedrift og deslige.. 1.700 borgere i Narsaq i Sydgrønland har allerede sagt ja til minedriften (blev de bestukket af den den danske regering?) selvom et radioaktiv udslip kan give uoverskuelige konsekvenser for beboerne, naturen, dyrelivet og være på højde med Fukushima katastrofen hvis det breder sig til resten af verden. Igen, som tidligere nævnt, de vestlige regeringer ønsker at udvinde ALT hvad der kan trækkes ud af undergrunden på jorden samt kostbare mineraler og eksotiske råstoffer i universet. For penge, grådighed, ejerskab samt militært ovenlegenhed...)

Richardson, Texas, October 13, 2016 – On Tues, Oct. 11th President Barack Obama wrote an Opinion Editorial via CNN.com announcing to the citizens of the United States that, “America has set a clear goal to send humans to Mars by the 2030s…we do what's possible before anyone else.” The problem here is that during a Nov. 2015 video interview with Gaia.com, whistleblower Corey Goode from the US Secret Space Program (SSP) said, “There are humans already on Mars and it’s been colonized.” In Dec. 1986, Goode was recruited into SSP - UNSAP (Un-Acknowledged Special Access Programs) under Project Solar Warden. He was assigned to a research vessel in space to study the solar system from Dec. 1986 – Dec. 2007.

President Obama and the US government joins a heavy-hitter list of private-sector visionaries, such as Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg and Elon Musk (SpaceX), as they compete to make a historical dent in space. On Oct. 4th, according to Bloomberg Technology, Muilenburg said, “It's my company that's sending the first humans to Mars, not Musk. I’m convinced the first person to step foot on Mars will arrive there riding a Boeing rocket.”

“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became - Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.”

Alongside New York Times best-selling author and researcher David Wilcock (“Ascension Mysteries”), Goode is co-host of Gaia’s successful original show: Cosmic Disclosure. With over 70 episodes and a viewership reaching over 68,000 per episode, the show reveals in-depth access to Goode’s astounding, yet controversial, revelations during his 20-year service.

For more information on Corey Goode please visit: www.gaia.com/bio/corey-goode and www.spherebeingalliance.com




If you haven’t already heard, Elon Musk is planning to colonize Mars. Recently announced at the 67th annual International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, he revealed that he not only wants to go to Mars, but also to establish a human colony on the planet once we get there.
According to alleged Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode, who just released a press release about human activity and Mars, we are already there and have been for a long time. And he’s not the only one who’s saying that. This also comes as less of a surprise given the recent WikiLeaks’ documents, suggest that  human and extraterrestrial collaboration that’s been happening for some time.

“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.”

You can watch more on this in detail on GAIA.com where Corey Goode & David Wilcock host Cosmic Disclosure.


​Who might this secret space program be run by? Perhaps this statement from Senator Daniel K. Inouye will give you an idea: There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
Inouye was one of many politicians who tried to let the world know about the world of secrecy that plagues our planet. Another great example would be President Roosevelt, who told the world that “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”.........



Sphere Being Alliance:VERY INTERESTING! This is how bases on Mars and the Moon were built (almost exactly the same way initially). CG