May 15, 2015

ZAP: LandaChinaGlobal - Landa, Audio of Conference Call ( Very High State Of Readiness ) Denmark a major part of new Humanus Foundation Headquarters!

AUDIO LINK: (bad audio sound)

May 13, 2015 - Pre-Release(MUST listen!!)

Published on May 13, 2015

NOTE: In Addition to The restored Republic, Mass Arrests, NESARA,etcs, Redemption ofBonds(Historical), Dinar, ,Zim$ and Dong Redemption Are Being Disccussed From around 103:00 Minute.

Intelligence brief: (May 13, 2015 - Pre-Release)

- Redemptions process is moving forward. Official release will be May 17/18 very prodomint on landscape - MAJOR EVENTS to onfold.
- Corrupt corporations and arrests is comming to a close. Funds to be release and process started. China & European Royals would not begind this process until the corruptions was taken out of the way.
- Global operations based on Denmark for humanus beginings very quickly and very WELL. Official website in a few days and office space for humanus headquarters has been choiced for suitable location and several buildings in Denmark. Landa will also have a very clear presence in europe on this one. Funding on humanus is well under way, er have been adviced another major global foundation organisation is supporting our projetcs in a very large way. 
- The Funds allocated for humanus projects is well under the B-rings and we will work very close to european government, especially home of Denmark. Have these funds accepted into these respected banking systems not to overload these systems. Looking forward to project sites next week. 
- New US republic - the seeding of the new government is complete. China is back on the table to make arrangements......     

APRIL 8, 2015

Been tracking them for some time now on my blog, Landa Global normally follow any legal & officiel announcements, close to the (officials) or insiders like Dragon Society (Families) , ZAP Office Of Poofness and similar light forces, however i'm not sure how they operate more precisely. All i understand, they are important ambassadors to Prosperity & humanitarian funds e.g. The Historic Bonds, and will most likely be the organisation (144 women) that are major candidates to be beneficiaries or assisting the actual disbursement of the huge amount of money to any Consortium humanitarian projects in the World. 

Read also: Landa Global 15. December 2014: "General Currency Reset, and Global Reset of the financial systems"

Finansielle Akronymer

Landa Global has been hosting a dial-in conference to inform holders of assets and intermediaries of the current status of the historic bond redemptions, and general information in respect of procedures and pricings of assets.

To access the weekly conference, please observe the following information: