Jan 3, 2019

CNN | ~ Thousands of tourists flee Thai islands as Tropical Storm Pabuk approach- es ~ | Blogger: [⚠️URGENT! Please let us calm the storm in Thailand. WLMM sho- uld put out an meditation alert! We have EXTREME weather forecast ahead of us. Mother Gaia drops a hard truth⚠️] ... 770+ wounded, hundreds of houses damaged as quake hits southwest China (RT) ... Dangerous storms shut down schools amid flood warnings throughout New Mexico and Texas (abcnews) ... Not to mention the 3 devastating STORMS currently create CHAOS around the world: Eboni (USA), Usman (Philippines), Yeti (Russia)☃️ 🕯️😔💞... In Denmark the storm Alfrida, had its death toll... Let us also sent prayers out to the world's affected populace in rega- rds to water pollution, earthquakes, extreme weather, drought, and fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🌪💦☔️ ... |

Expert warns of 100 MASSIVE volcanoes on cusp of eruption - but no one knows which FIRST

Extreme weather linked to climate change says all worldly experts and leaders and verdensalt do not agree.. 

THIS is caused partly by the Nibiru, pole shift & earth axis, hydraulic fracturing, HAARP, EISCAT, chemtrails, coal-based power plants, nuclear radiation and contaminations, weather modification etc. etc. 

And partly because our Mother GAIA cannot and will not stay any longer in our 3D Matrix of illusionary world, anchoring more deeply into the 5D plane.

Mother Earth is shaking loose and showing us that she is transitioning through this great evolution! Schummanic resonance spikes and natural disasters are becoming increasingly commonplace.

Cosmic & Earth changes with "the earth watchman.  

Hundreds of years ago, before the birth of the science of volcanology in the 19th century, mankind looked upon volcanic eruptions as warnings or punishments from the gods.. Now, remarkably, this backward outlook, this idea that volcanoes are somehow semi-sentient forces giving fiery lectures to mankind, is making a comeback thanks to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland in 2010 , Indonesia's Kelud volcano burst to life with the ground-rattling energy of some 250 megatons of TNT. Etna volcano, Stromboli, Fuego, Krakatau, Shiveluch, Dukono etc. etc.

The fact that ash from the many volcanoes is spreading across the world, leading to the grounding of flights and the closure of airports, is being interpreted - even celebrated - as evidence of Nature’s awesome power and “fury” in contrast to weak, pathetic mankind....

BUT THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS and we most listen to Mother GAIA's request of changing our patterns of egocentric materialism with no moral compass that justifies the lies of ordinary MAN and WOMANS, is the main cause, triggered climate change.....


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