Nov 5, 2015

Reducing Your EMF Pollution — Exploring Practical Solutions (Mobile, WiFi Router or WiFi Baby Monitors, DECT phones, Tablets, Smart Meters - Why this nature of 'pulsing' (electromagnetic radiation or wi-fi microwave signal) are so toxic for humans!!!) Nov 5, 2015

Microwave radiation heats not only food, but YOUR BRAIN too!

Life of the modern people are inconceivable without frequent use of cellphones.

But do we knowabout the dangers we expose ourselves and our children every day?

Scientists have proved!
  • High risk of cancer diseases 
  • DNA damage
  • Π‘entral lesion
  • Frequent headaches
  • Fatigue 
PS: House Plug - Neutralizes EMFs at home or at work. Orgone matrix neutralizer EMF and Torsion field for tablet. Protection From Cell Phone & Computer... al can be bought at or ebay or amazon