Sep 30, 2021

🌋🌊⚠️ ~ ('This is a REAL AND PRESENT DANGER!?!') LA PALMA UPDATED 09.29.2021. ALSO TRUMP NEGOTIATIONS WITH DEEP STATE (project camelot portal) ~ | Blogger: I have not got the time to listen in about Trump and DS - I know enough already. However, this so-called contractor-geologist working at La Palma, give me the creeps! And I quote: "when the volcano decides to fall it’s sides, it will release enough power to produce a tsunami large enough to completely wipe out every major city that is within 20 miles (US) inland and roughly 32 kilometers (EUAF) bom the broadside connection to the Atlantic Ocean"... According to Tarot by Janine and Clif High, it will NOT be as devastating as described. In fact, it will stop 6 miles from shore, if any tsunami will occur. And no, SoTW, do not ONLY rely only Janine... Do I understand the Russian language - nope - but are sometimes scanning for news and my former wife was from Ukraine... |



Developing story….



Note:- Unconfirmed data but based on ones own knowledge the fault structure is deep underground and the fact that the lava vent emissions are lower than the summit should not detract from the dangers of lateral flow and water damned up in the basalt walled reservoirs from moving through steam pressure the uplift in the fault zone, which we know is now over 12 centimetres and slightly to the South of the monitors. It is nuts that the fault has not been properly monitored since AD 2000 (Ward & Day Paper). This is a REAL AND PRESENT DANGER. We estimate (Ward & Day) the onshore waves to the UK would be 5 to 7 mts high (not great), more a danger to the East Coast of the Americas due to the directional bias of the energy outflow. We again urge a contingency plan be formulated to warn low lying coastal towns of the English Channel, Irish Sea and Bristol Channel to prepare for what would be no more than a 6 to 9 hours warning from a major landslide. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. One is looking at flooding and probably 12 wave fronts, of which the second and third would be greater than the first after ‘draw back’ indicating the first wave is within one minute of impact. THIS IS REAL DATA from previous Pacific analysis of analysed events. Be prepared to close the ‘Thames Barrier’ at very short notice.–SOURCE

Message from geologist working at La Palma:

💖🤗🌍 ~ ('Aspiration, Joy and Happiness is a Good Thing, Maybe the Best of Things') Who is behind Salt Of The World? What is its purpose? In the Light of Truth (SoTW) ~ 🌍 | Blogger: [🤜You have a choice: Either stick to the globalist agenda and their '3-D Matrix of illusion' which leads to 'their perception is Your reality' - OR - start confront Your own 'two wolves who are always fighting' to seek out the TRUTH🤛] ... 🤴 I am exactly the same age as our Crown Prince Frederik, the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark!?!. Born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an emerging energy-coach, but coronacrisis left me changed and ignited at a new starting point. I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. Didn't score the highest in both so-called intelligence and creativity during my 16 years of 'indoctrinated' school time, 25 years among Banksters, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️‍🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe... 🧂SALT of the World or Verden(salt) or Verdens(alt): Nobility, landlords and rulership and Kings - social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times - considered SALT, a precious commodity. The closer one peasant was to the nobility, one could reach the SALT and it was, in fact, a huge rare commodity and highly sought merchandise, just as Gold is, in our days.. 👼YOU are the salt of (Mother GAIA) Earth and therefore, a divine Angelic being of importance... Remember that... 🙏If you should feel so guided to donate it's much appreciated...💗I do love you all... Thanks... |

I guess this is for the Danish readers only... (New Year's resolution 2016) 

This is me on verdensalt portraying as U.S. Vietnam soldier and the kids of my
 1st host family back in the late 80's under Halloween, High School & Defense end (DE)
(american football) days ...

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...

YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home. is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. and no work either, no income (it's by design). Been working for the GoLDMaN SLaCKS and Rothschild banking cartel for 25 years, but no more...

🙏 ~ 💝 (October Surprise: Father, The Sleeper Has Awakened!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Welcome To The Future: A Short Story of Current Events ~ Megan Rose🌟] ... |

💚🍖🧔 ~ (2033 Power-To-X energiø af 'flydende el' - fem gange dyre end Storebælt og 18 fodboldbaner store fupnummer) Blev kaldt 'Helles frikadelle', Katherine Diez falske ph.d-mand, Don Jørgensen, hulemand og klima-Dan får Dumpekarakter af fem, ud af syv grønne organisationer og bevægelser, for sin præstation i 2020 iflg. (SoTW Feb 2021 Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [💌Nu starter eventyret for børn om de 260 meter høje møller. Et fyrtårnsprojekt af kritisk infrastruktur som er 50/50 privat- og statsejet. Hvem skal betale for skidtets opførelse og hvem kommer til at tjene kassen fru madsen når alt er i drift? Kapitalfonde, private investorer og andre landes beskatninger! Hvad skete der med Besellers 320 meter Ego-tårn i Brande?🤪] ... Hver gang vi tanker 40 liter benzin, svarer det til, at vi hælder 5.000 liter 'virtuelt' vand i vores bil... 🏒Derfor, har den den grønne "hockeystav" aKa Klima-Dan, tænkt, at der skal ske noget... 💸Regningen på 210 milliarder kroner - det skal danske skatteydere og andre lande, bekoste, men det vil McArine sgu da skide på... 🏝️Det mest VANVITTIGE er, at den såkaldte 'energiø', skal "elektrificeres" og betjenes af vindmøller, i stedet for at se på alternative energikilder, som kører, på BRINT!... 🚚Læste også på et tidspunkt sidste år, at det bliver først og fremmest biler, busser, lastbiler og andet af statens flåde og ikke hr og fru jensen, som får glæde af det, som kommer ud af energiøen...💩Måske skulle man bruge Amagers (lorteø) af affald i er bioanlæg i stedet for?.. Der er i den grad brug for brint- og PtX-strategi... 🚆Dog har staten og DSB(Den Sanseløse Bankerot), betemt sig for købe el-toge og ikke brinttoge, som kan købes, DIREKTE, af tyskerne... 🙅‍♀️Man kan nemlig ikke tjene penge på FRI ENERGI og BRINT!... 💫Energiøen forventes helt klar til brug i 2033... 🤔TROR du på projektet?🔫.. 🔮I 2033, findes der ikke længere et Folketing eller Kongedømme, overgået til Republikanisme og Meritokrati... 🦜På det tidspunkt er slavehandler, hulemand og klima-Dan, pensionist og omdannet til en kunstigt frithængende grøn pendel lampe som kan snakke og spytte hvis man er for fræk... 🤖På det tidspunkt har teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University overtaget (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley..👨‍✈️Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print og kunstig intelligens.... |

Regeringen får hug for klimaplan: Sort nøl og skåltaler

🚨🥵⛓️ ~ (Goddamn time things are heating up!!) Romania Opens Investigation Into How Covid Vaccines Were Acquired And Shutsdown Its Vaccine Centers (NWO report) ~ | Blogger: [🤜PM Boris Johnson Said: ‘’You’re Not Joe Biden! Who Are You?’’🤛]... The European Ombudsman has DEMANDED that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen explain how she lost text messages that she exchanged with the CEO of Pfizer during talks about vaccine procurement... Now, even the Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) has announced that it opened investigations related to the circumstances under which Romania purchased [too many, prosecutors seem to imply] Covid vaccines... Recently, the President of Croatia hammered the media Monday after a reporter asked why the vaccination rate in Croatia is not as high as in other European Union countries.... SoTW might add; where the heck is Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen? Except for one single *LIVE* interview after summer vacation and none during summer of 2021, NOBODY has seen her! All the pictures I'll look at in the MSM are combining traditional CGI and VFX with deepfakes and photoshopping... |

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Nikola Tesla & The Philadelphia Experiment is real. J. Allen Hynek Bermuda Triangle. Project Blue Book (UFO + USO) David Adair Explains how Time Travel Machines Work & Dangers of Time Travel Continuum (UAMN TV) ~ | Blogger: I have meet David Adair IRL at Conscious Life Expo 2018 after I enrolled David Adair's worldshop. Nobody comes even CLOSE to Adair's achievements... |

Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to build in space with the Shuttle program. These projects have never been seen before or announced to the public.
Learn about: Space Stations, Space Manufacturing, Space Based Medicines and Micro-Gravity Processing that the Aerospace Corporations wanted to build but were told NO by NASA because it was ‘too much industrialization of space’. Prepare to be amazed at the possibilities that exist! Meet and hear from one of the most exceptional rocket scientists of our time.


Time is not what we think, nor are the timelines as fragile as we have been led to believe. David Adair discusses his understanding of time travel, the technology involved, and what happens when someone changes something in the past. His understandings come from working directly with J. Allen Hynek in the Bermuda Triangle, and following in the footsteps of Tesla as he assisted in the Philadelphia Experiment project. He found this same sort of technology with UFOs visiting our planet.

🎴👑😮 ~ (The Moloch Bunch: Horrific and shocking dark tarot reading about Denmark's royals, hunting parties, Maersk/Evergreen Line & secret sex cult vaca Greenland Hotel and DUMB's) TAROT BY JANINE LOOKS DEEP INTO DENMARK 🇩🇰 DEEP STATE/ DARK CULT TIES? (Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: [👉DISCLAIMER: Please - I don't want you guys to burn down my house, but it makes more sense to me now about my nurse mom told me about gay, Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark and how they put a gag order on him and how he died. SoTW knows the lay of the land and generally doesn't get lost or sidetracked, but this is a stunner! Royalists and parliamentarians, watch out! Truth or no truth, this short video might be plutonium to the 'liar paradox' or adding fuel to the fire of truthseeker paradise! I'm not gonna judge👈] ... 🧷As you have already noticed, are not involved in any way, shape, or form with hatrism, politics, lluminati, NWO, crazy tinfoil hat and providing plots for hit TV shows and dark material for online chatrooms, conspiracy theories and alike... 🏩This is a place for love, happiness and harmony to all of us... 🤔That said, frankly, i'm also a Spiritual Light Warrior to wake up the sleeping populace and you cannot do that, with only presenting my readers holding hands around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!... 💭I know what you're thinking - it's too darn easy sitting on (my) spiritual keister and post anonymously, day after day, on a blog, without conveying its messages through an open forum, on youtube or holding seminars, like Anthony Robbins, awaken the inner giant in others... 👤 It's easier said than done when you are a private person facing loneliness on the spiritual path and a minority in a society that does not praise (deep) spirituality, openness, living the art and virtue of defenselessness... 🙅‍♂️In a dysfunctional society, which knowingly rejects the existence of our extraterrestrial ancestors and fact-truth-giving conspiracies...🤟Don't forget that we all hold the truth inside, recovering empath lovely sensitive, introverted or extroverted, but not ego-narcissistic...👥 do (sometimes) publish blogposts about things that our "deep (dark) state" really hates. Themes and Topics may appear 'negative' but are just a deep basic understanding of fact giving - in our 3-D Matrix of Illusion, that we all live in. The question that you probably have to ask yourself is: What is fake news, alternative facts, source criticism, post-factual, lies and rumors?. You can only hold the truth of that, be the judge, jury and executioner... |


"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality"  and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a  ALOT of work to do there!" ~ Janine


🤴🙅‍♂️⛔ ~ (hvis og hvis min røv var spids: hvad nu hvis alt hvad du ser er en forestilling skabt af en højteknologiske verden?) Hvorfor er det lige, at Prins Felix afbryder uddannelse på Hærens Løjtnantsuddannelse af private årsager?? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Jeg er hverken tilhænger af Kongehuset, ej heller royalist hvis nu "hunting parties" bliver brugt til jagt på mennesker med Dobermanns og eliten har sexlege med små børn i de Grønlands bunkere og det, der er langt, langt værre! Dette kommer fra 'Tarot by Janine' video omkring Danmark den 8. Maj 2021🤛] ... Lad os nu antage, at Prins Felix ikke har kærestesorger, hans lilletå ikke er forstuvet under "Helvedesugen" eller han blot, savner Mamma, derhjemme... Hvis nu, man kan stole på de tarotkort allerede lagt på Kongehuset af Janine, og en anden Dansker, samt min tredje uvildige kilde, min holistiske naturlæge, via mit højere selv har talt sandt. Så, er der for første gang i det danske monarkis historie, der har eksisteret i over 1000 år og er blandt de ældste kongehuse i verden, ikke længere noget lederskab... WHAAAT!?... Hvad nu hvis Prins Felix er beordret hjem for at styre "resterne" af Kongetronen, anno 2021?... Kommer Pingo - JÆGERE og FRØERNES skræk, nogensinde til at sætte sig i Game of Thrones Kongesal, tror ikke på det. DDFO-Daisy bliver sikkert holdt kunstigt i live af Adrenochrome og børns AdrenochromeHarvest (med al respekt - det klammeste jeg nogensinde har hørt om)... Jo for ser du, ifølge de 2 uafhængige kilders spirituelle tarotkort, og højere selv, så er Danske DDFO-Daisy, født drengebarn, indhentet af fortiden og sidder og afventer sin dom med en snatch-and-grab af special styrker på Kongeskibet i sommers 2021. Måske, allerede død.. Kong-Pingo, Frederik, er ligeledes i fængslet og afventer henrettelse for crimes against humanity i Gitmo og hans hustru, Mary udnævnt som rigsforstander og kan nu træde i Dronningens sted, er også væk.. Prins 'Dase-Jokke' Joachim, bliver holdt hen lidt endnu, fordi, han arbejder for De Hvide Hatte, indtil videre.. Prinsgemalen, aner jeg ikke noget om, andet end min mors fortælling om, at han døde af en lungesygdom, man kun ser hos homoseksuelle. Som vi alle ved, var han blevet farlig, hvis nu, han snakkede over sig, efter sin demenstilstand, blev der lukket ned omkring ham, som var det pesten! Alle kender til Prins Henriks sexeskapader, svingerklubber og Jade-penisser, ligesom den svenske konge går til sexfester... Mink-Medico-Mæætte stadigvæk i LIVE - men dør snart - kun i live pga. hun er en strategisk person - og ja, født et drengebarn, skåret "tappen" af, ligesom DDFO-Daisy Dronning, siger tarotkortene... Lige nu er der igen, igen (igen) en hemmelig politiaktion og Motorvej spærret af ved Holbækmotorvejen mod Roskilde og Sjællands Odde. Og vi har set et SANDT hav af aktioner, de sidste 3 uger samtidigt med Night Hawk 2021.. |

... Men sundhedsministeren deltog slet ikke i det møde, som startede konspirationsteorien ~ (JOOOOO HAN GJORDE DR)


Sep 29, 2021

🙋‍♂️💊😋 ~ (The last Red October: White Hats Victory & Cabal leaving Earth plane. Dark Hats has no weather control. QFS up and running.') OCTOBER: CRASHING PHONEY REALITIES & MOVING FORWARD! (DS Boogie Men vs. Love & Truth!) (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: Sooo... It seems to be a victory in October and the "movie" or "show" cannot go on beyond that month... Yeah right! you say, we heard that before.. Because we choose to see or live in a sinful, fallen world, we will face difficulties. But our faith is what helps us remain strong during hard times. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, we're talking about planetary changes and liberation for 7 billion people and hardcore Cabal minions will fight to the death to keep their system intact. But no more, no sir!.. Trump is (just) a wild card, international chess game, Trump is a master! But the Earth Alliance is much bigger to support us Earthlings from off-worlders that is beyond our comprehension. Source God Creator is a big piece to the puzzle and the Angelic realm. I'm talking about Source energy (love/god/creator of universe) encompasses earth.. |

 👼PS: And We, the People, humans, who also serve Source energy, but forgot or got separated, all have (some energetic light codes) as Angels In Disguise. You are as important as me, and so forth. Someone told me after a Regression Therapy, that I, on is in fact, Archangel Sandalphon - the tallest of the Angels and stretches from the Earth all the way to Heaven. Perhaps, but no more important or powerful than you are, out there!. A second source, my own holistic ND, told me it's true, I have some recognizable (energies) to protect and cares for Mother GAIA, children and have honesty and integrity in my truest form are upon me and surround me. But I'm NOT here on Earth as an Archangel in a psychical form and never have been. Those who believe that humans become angels when they die have a distorted idea about the nature of humanity and angels. Humans are physical beings with a spiritual soul, made in the image of God. Angels are spiritual beings who can only become physical if God ordains that their work requires it.. Some even believe the two angels, Sandalphon and Metatron, lived as humans. Both of these fabulous workers of miracles eventually departed from Mother Earth and went to live with God in his Holy Kingdom. So no, I don't feel or act as an angel, i'm (just) as Trump, a wild card, to wake up people... so be it and so it is... | 

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Share far and wide: start living your life from the heart. The new Ascension energies is coming!') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Living Fearlessly - Teja Wood,🌟] ... Teja is such a wonderful beautiful and spiritual Soul, who is an intuitive/channel, author and spiritual mentor for women (and conscious men!) who want to align their lives with their soul's purpose. She is also the creator of Soul Calling - Academy of Divine Arts & Alchemy.". Unfortunately she's not getting the attention she deserves on YouTube. I don't mind calling her up going out for a cup of coffee, which is the ultimate first-date out there😉.. |

📅 ~ 💗 ('October important choice to make this month!') October Predictions and Spiritual Insights (Joni Patry) 💕~ | Blogger: Looong report... Sorry, guys!... Take everything with a grain of "Salt" (of the world)... SoTW, has left out all the Joni Patry's Cosmic Insights Shop, Jewelry Collection & Joni Patry Daily Astrology payments or cryptocurrency prophesies, since that is not what is about... PS: Transcript is ready but not her YouTube video... |

"As far as the month of October, we are going to have an important choice to make this month! We need to decide – Are we going to look at the glass half full or look at the glass half empty this month? I say this because we are going to have many impactful transits that will affect a lot of people.. What is about to happen is the accumulation of all the events are finally surfacing and the law of cause and effect will produce its results. There are no quick answers with propaganda so prevalent right now. I know everyone wants the truth to come out and justice to prevail. But there is a major split on what people believe, and they are adamant that they are right. Everyone believes what they believe is right and they are not going to be swayed. " ~  Joni

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

To my Dear Friends and Community,

Happy Fall Everybody! Summer is officially over and now we are entering into the crisp month of October. October is going to be a very interesting month for all of us!

As many of you have requested, we have officially opened up the University of Vedic Astrology to ALL who wish to study. There has never been a more important time to find guidance, so we are now taking students who wish to learn alongside myself and our esteemed tutors.

I have made some changes to the University program, which I am excited to share. First, the biggest change is that you may start right away if you wish. I felt after the last year and a half this change was necessary, especially as so many are seeking truth. In addition to being able to sign up when you wish, you are also able to learn at your own pace. Each student is paired with a tutor who will guide you through your lessons, taking as much time as you may need. These two improvements are going to help make the University accessible to more, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn together. As always, you may sign up for the first semester here or enroll in the entire program for a significant discount.

🍁⚔️🎃 ~ (October: The Smoking Gun of Illuminati Intentions!?!) Key NATO and Allied exercises Night Hawk 2021 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Who has the control of NH21? White Hats or Black Hats?... Below pictures and many more with my iPhone and eyes to see near Marina (boat harbours) Aalborg and Airbase.. I talked to a Norwegian guy who made these Naval Special Warfare boats when I went to the harbour by MTB and sold them to the military, so he claimed. He told me, these inflatable boats' design for (frogmen) Navy SEAL, are also used when they tried to liberate Maersk Alabama hijacking in the piracy incident, Indian Ocean 2009... My MTB trip took me near to Aalborg Airport and Aalborg Air Base, security was tight at the Royal Danish Air Force base and saw lots of activity... 👻PS: Soooo... What happened in October of Hunter's Moon or Harvest Moon, Month of Halloween 2020? Denmark planned to cull up to 17 million mink to stop mutated coronavirus as "offering harvest for the dead". Why? In order to show that DDFO is in control of the most satanical freemasonic cult of them all. "They" have to present or tell us all what their intentions are, before they do it. It's stated in their DDFO playbook. To get redemption or a silent acceptance. DDFO 33 Mink farms Harvest Moon, millions sent in gas chambers, cut off and slaughter - ends like animal feed - it is more dangerous to be minkfarmer, than being employed in the healthcare system... What will October 2021 bring us? Wishful thinking; we will not see any new false flags - but who knows... What we might see, is the "Lack of everything" - therefore the raw material prices are skyrocketing. The prices of the world's goods are stroked to Herels in 2021, and the price of your toilet paper, coffee, breakfast, sweaters, woods, metal, semiconductors, cardboard, and not least heating and electricity is on the way up and will not stop, until free energy devices will be revealed (that is my take on it - make up you own mind). Oh forgot, according to my CEO friend in Thailand who runs nonfood container ships, he says; there appears that the supply chains is running with full capacity and each new hick-up and consequences are felt quickly around the world... |


🕬📰🌞 ~ (Gud bevare det nye Danmark ~ SoTW) Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK August 2021 ~ | Blogger: [👉Nyhedsbrev - Pharma Nord får medhold af EU, en bedemand taler ud, senfølger overdramatiseres, Fuellmich har købt et tysk hospital og meget mere...👈] ... Tak til Lili, som SoTW kender og alle de vidunderlige mennesker bag ved May Day... PS: Med al respekt, May Day tænker lokalt, men burde agere globalt... May Day Danmark er naturligvis en dansk oplysningsplatform som sætter spørgsmålstegn ved helt fundamentale og grundlæggende problemstillinger i samfundsordenen og det er også fint. Dog, at tro på, at borgerinitiativer og underskriftindsamlinger af hvilken som helt slags, har nogle former for betydning, for EU-borgere, er naivt. We, The People, skal ikke være så bange for at tænke ud af boksen, dvs. bruge vores fantasi til at finde utraditionelle eller kreative løsninger og droppe at tænke i de her kasser og rammer. NATO, EU-Parlamentet og et sandt hav af hemmelige societies, er topstyret af kaballah, illuminati, dybe stat, globalister og globale eliter, der styrer verden; de 13 blodline familier. Så nytter det ikke at være så snæversynet at tro på, at EU-Parlamentet m.fl., kan gøre en forskel eller består, efter Kongefaldet. Tiden er ikke længere inde for at tænke så banalt, den accelerende kærligheds-energi-tilstrømning fra Universet og den Kosmiske Centralsolsystem, tillader det ikke længere. Dvs. SoTW påstår, når, hele Cabal-korthuset falder, for det gør den, og vi modtager "sande og nyttige" nyheder 24/7 nonstop fra enten Trump og Musk's Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) og Starlink satellitter, som ikke længere er 5G farlig netværk, eller vores venner og familie fra plejaderne, eller hvad og hvem man nu stoler på, så sker der sgu ting og sager. Alle dem som har været ude og snakke om '10 Days of Darkness', bliver nu forvandlet til '10 århundreder oplysningstiden'. Vi snakker om en MEGA-EVENT, der får alle til at lægge sig fladt ned og lalle, som booster vor junk-DNA nye opblomstring, hukommelsesceller til at formere sig, sindelag og positive spirituelle side frem i selv de værste mennesker, ellers kan de ikke længere leve på Moder Jord. Vær forberedt på et femtedimensions niveau. Folk kommer til at være grædefærdige, at finde Deres partnere, forældre og familiemedlemmer, blive eskorteret af modstandsbevægelsen for Danmark og Nürnbergprocessen og den danske udgave af Gitmo... Vi får sikkert og vist et chok over, hvor mange danskere, virksomhedsledere og politikere og organisationer, som er infiltreret... Slip så den 3D tankegang, perfektionens ego og forsvarsmekanismerne og den forbistret logik, som holder dig og mig, tilbage ... Gud bevare det nye Danmark... |


Hej alle sammen!

Så er der friske september-nyheder sakset fra nær og fjern.

Sidste udkald – underskriftindsamlingen til støtte for bier og bønder går ind i sin allersidste fase. Deadline er på torsdag kl. 24. Skriv under og spred. Vi skal nå i mål med 1 mio. underskrifter. De sidste to dage er der kommet 100.000 underskrifter, så det er muligt, hvis vi alle hjælper. Mange bække små… osv. 

Underskriv her 

Hvad hjælper din underskrift? Det har været sagt, at EU er fuldstændig ligeglade med, om millioner af borgere støtter et bestemt forslag, for de ændrer ikke noget alligevel. Men det passer ikke helt. For det første er der kommet nye regler for borgerinitiativer pr. januar 2020, som gør det nemmere at få registreret initiativer og gør det nemmere at samle underskrifter. Og for det andet: Hvis der opnås 1 mio. bekræftede underskrifter, skal EU-kommissionen overveje de stillede forslag, og initiativtagerne får foretræde for EU-Parlamentet. Det hjælper alle de medlemmer i Parlamentet, som har en lignende dagsorden – det er et enormt rygstød at mærke presset fra 1 mio. EU-borgere, som alle ønsker en bestemt dagsorden, og det pres kan MEP'erne sende videre til Kommissionen (som kan lovgive). 

I skrivende stund er millionen for bierne rundet - hurraaa - men, men... der kalkuleres med over 100.000 ugyldige underskrifter, så vi må ikke stoppe her. Skriv under nu                    

Og så er der bare tilbage at ønske:
Dejlig sensommer og god læsning!


🤗🏳️🙌 ~ ('John Durham: Warning: IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!') Monthly news & updates (ECETI Ranch) ~ | Blogger: Hours upon hours of material in this new update from James Gilliland and his team at the ECETI Ranch...|

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

September 28, 2021| Issue 7


The Everyday Heroes are the people that speak their truth and stand up for their Constitutional Rights in the face of losing everything. The lionhearted that inspire our inner-lion.The ones that are service to others to help us rise above the suffering. The ones who smile at you on an off day. It is the war veteran fighting for freedom and equality for all. As well, it's your friend, parent, or mentor holding that loving and supporting space for you. The Everyday Hero is within every single human being on this planet, and is expressed by simple, ordinary actions. Our world needs more heroes. It is our job to bring out the hero that lives inside of each of us, making this world a better place.

Please see below everyday heroes speaking their truth. We honor their courage

John Durham: Warning: IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! The tolerance ends now! All patriots must receive my message. The time of ignorance is coming to an end with this announcement.In few days I will REVEAL ALL evidence. The TRUTH will survive- prepare backups, inform your contacts- you will see things that will shake this country to it’s foundation.I expect your support because every American must see it. You have one week to join this channel before is locked. The evidence will be published ONLY here on Telegram.Thank you for your support. This is how we fight this hybrid war. Join the ranks of the good side. Some days are unique and you can feel it in the air. Today is the day of TRUTH and FREEDOM. Today we will have the chance to taste HOPE once again. Many will face justice and punishment for their betrayal. God bless President Trump and America! UNITED WE STAND John Durham Channel:
PLEASE Watch..........


9/14/2021 Orange County Florida Board of County Commissioners Public Comment. Dr. Stillwagon’s statement.



Hospital whistle blower testimony. "I will die for this cause"



Nurses Speak Out at Minnesota Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Lack of Reporting to VAERS

Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital!

Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

33000 doctors and personell in Canada refuse the poison jab. What we can do is to be super active to promote these videos. We dont have the resources of big media so we have to do more work. Join the 50000 strong almost anti vaccine worldwide group where we organize, the biggest on telegram:

💀👴🥳🤣 ~ (Live from Afglanta: Achmnderson Blitzer, Taliban Taliwackers & China Joe as booster Ebenezer Scrooge - Instead of getting shot by a gun, you get a gun with a shot. Get the vakkZine, taste the rainbow. Zoom Zoom) Achmed thanks… uh… “interviews”, President Joe Biden (JEFF DUNHAM) ~ |

O-M-G! WHAT THE F*... More details below or inside Miss Nyla Nguyen's update... Nothing can beat this - it's hilarious (with all due respect)... SoTW used to serve in The Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) as Military Police K9-unit and we used to go back and forth Air Base Karup & Vaerlose air base (danish: Flyvestation Værløse, ICAO: EKVL) in a Lockheed C-130 Hercules and the Kabul US C-17 seems to be a dummy.. As you know, the military used inflatable Army to help D-Day to succeed and much more. The inflatable decoy dummy tank weapons of mass deception has been used since WWI, perhaps before that time.. SoTW has already speculated on the blog, a what if... scenario... supported by AmazingPolly the fakery of Afghans running alongside U.S. military plane at Kabul Airport.. Here is more proof.. Could it be, the US C-17 swarmed by Afghans (crisis-actors) in video, are inflatable in a 'false flag' operation? If so, this is the best proof so far (so good) - bad joke, but, my eyes are NOT deceiving me... Where is the engines and windows, where is the wheel, check out the nose of the plane, compare sizes and look at the markings for god sake and the "MAGA Hat" and ankle cuffs at First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, leaning on the "wrong" foot and China Joe's fake pre-recorded inauguration... check it out... |