Mar 26, 2019

GAOG | ~ Invocations for Cyclone Idai and other Horrendous Situations ~ | .. Transmute, transmute, by Violet Fire All causes and cores not of God’s desire I AM a Being of cause alone, That cause is Love, the sacred tone .. | Blogger: PS: WLMM has several massmeditations... New Daily Emergency Meditation Focus: Severe Tropical Cyclone Veronica... Urgent meditation requests: The Key to Freedom meditation, the Cosmic Central Race meditation and the Goddess Meditation... |

What can we do when we see horrendous situations around the world with many suffering and dying?

Dear reader Céline emailed me the YouTube below explaining about the multiple cyclones that have occurred in the area of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, similar to Cyclone Idai, how she is grateful for the organizations stepping up, and an invocation she uses:

Cyclone Idai from 0:26 to 5:33 minutes

Céline: I am grateful to the World Food Programme and all agencies (and governments!) stepping up.

May every single person have their bellies filled with nutritious food and water, and may our higher Light and intentions keep all bugs at bay.

Transmute, transmute, by Violet Fire
All causes and cores not of God’s desire
I AM a Being of cause alone,
That cause is Love, the sacred tone.

Thank you, Céline.



ShantiUniverse | ~ Melting Greenland Glaciers Appear to be Growing Again ~ | Blogger: NASA - Never A Straight Answer, has cried wolf about Greenland is melting of greenhouse gases, cow farts and sea level rise, are therefore, killing us all (global warming)... and our ears assaulted by bagpipes... Now they reverse their climate hoax scam statement, so now it's a bad thing, Greenland's glacier is gro- wing again... O-M-G!... How stupid do they think we are?... |

💥OOM2 | ~ No Planes Hit the Towers! Undeniable Proof Will Wake You Up! ~ | Blogger: [🎗️Heads-up - Niels Harrit is coming to Town near you! This time in Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo Sunday March 31🗼] ... Wooow... I heard about this theory, a long time ago, but not about how 'they might' have done it. In fact i think it was one of my dearest american friend, Jay, who told me. Unfortunately he's dead in the hands of the medical mafia, god bless his soul... |

I’ve never seen this powerful video before but it does the best job of giving 100% proof no planes hit the towers on 9/11! This proof will never be discussed by the fakes and frauds in alternative who serve as Illuminati gatekeepers such as Alex Jones. Alex Jones has never shown this evidence – he still goes with the official fairy tale!

I guess there’s a reason Alex Jones appeared in the Illuminati Card Deck! So many patriots have been fooled by him! I was for many years so I don’t hold it against anybody. But if you want to see how fake he is, simply try to reach him at or by calling to the program about this evidence and watch the fraud get you off the phone FAST!

RT | ~ ‘Never forget what they did here’: Snowden vents dismay at EU copyright reform ~ | .. Shortly after the European Parliament voted to adopt Article 13 on Tuesday, Snowden, who currently resides in Russia, tweeted his disgust at the decision to pass a directive that will shift responsibility onto web platforms to enforce copyright law more stringently. .. | Blogger: [👀“Where your attention GOES, energy FLOWS and RESULTS show, that your MIND bows” ~ verdensalt🙇] ... What do i mean by that??.. Well... "It means buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye.". We have a movement which verdensalt calls #NahToMay and i'm sure that Theresa May will be FIRED soon... We have TRUMP who's win- ning on the bloody battlefield... We see Yellow vests in France, pink crosses in Mexico and anti-government protests around the world... In Algeria - corruption, youth unemployment and inequality have been at the centre of protests against the 20 years of rule by Algeria's president... A civil society groups have begun a three-day strike in the region in protest death of a school teacher in a police sta- tion near the state capital, Srinagar... Despite killings, tear gas, arrests and bea- tings, demonstrators step out and demand end to President Bashir's rule in Sudan... Protesters in Madrid call for their prime minister to resign because of the handling of the Catalan question... Brazil protesters aim to 'overthrow the Temer govt'... Thousands in Denmark protest against plans to move refugees to island, 5G, and Koran-burning protest meets hardline Islamist rally... AND THE GOVERNMENTS ARE LOSING CONTROL... So what do they do???... Promote State-sponsored terrorism-- The good ooooold divide-and-conquer strategy of the CIA... "Energy flows where attention goes" == "Two Wounded Amid Shooting at Turkey's Kayseri Airport (Sputniknews)" ... "Town halls across Germany evacuated after receiving bomb threats (" ..."London's Westminster Station Reopens After Reported Emergency: Witnesses (Usnews)"... "'No more hope': fresh blackout leaves half of Venezuela without power (theguardian)" ..."‘US decision on Golan Heights is highway to war’: Russian Duma speaker"... AND... Military spending is growing around the world and in 2017 it increased by 1.1 percent, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. U.S. arms expenditures rose by $9.6 billion, driving the global rise and further consolidating the status of the United States as the world’s top spender on the military–by far. And who is sitting on the VERY top of the Game of Thrones from blood money??? (Lockheed Martin Corp.)...💟 in my humble opinion - LOVE is the one true religion and a direct 'silver-lining' to universal peace...💙 |

Edward Snowden appearing at a conference via video link, file photo: © REUTERS / Vincent Kessler
Blood Money: Meet the Top 20 Companies Profiting From Endless War

🔴 MM | ~ Anders Fogh erklærer kamp mod falske nyheder: Mistænkeligt, hvis politikere ikke skriver under ~ | Blogger: [🤷‍♂️"Skull & Bones" Lobbyisten og den skandaløs hemmelige Bilderberger, Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Manden med den 'smooking gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (Charmør, Tyran og Verdensmand?)🔫] ... {Efter Fogh turnerede rundt i verden og drak rødvin på skatteyderens regning, har Lars Seier ansat Anders Fogh som strategisk rådgiver for blockchain-netværket Concordium. Fogh var også tidl. rådgiver for den bundkorrupte ukrai- nske præsident, Petro Porosjenko, Boston Consulting Group for at kapre kunder, til forsvarsministerier og våben­producenter og skulle også forbedre #Goldman- Slacks dårlige image i DONG-sagaen} ... ✨PS: DIREKTE fra nyhedspanelet hos DKR: 📰 "Superløgneren Anders Fog Rasmussen, vil bekæmpe LØGN??. Husker du manden, der løj for folketinget, for at få Danmark til at gå ind i Irak-krigen? Ham, der stadig påstod, at han ’bestemt’ ikke var kandidat til nogen FN Topost, også selvom han var det. Du ved, ham der måtte gå af som Skatteminister, på grund af kreativ bogføring. Altså ham der fastholder, at det er helt ’normalt’ at sidde på gulvet og dele en pizza sammen med en polsk lægeven, som han mødte på en tilfæ- ldig aften i byen, og derefter tilknyttet et livslangt platonisk venskab til… Den samme mand vil nu bekæmpe ’Fake News’. Anders Fog Ramussen vil nemlig til, at forpligte EU-kandidater til at føre valgkamp, uden ’Falske Nyheder’ og afgive et løfte om ’valgintegritet’… "Det er for at få mere gennemsigtighed og et renere valg, at vi beder kandidaterne om at skrive under på det her løfte," siger Anders Fogh Rasmussen til TjekDet - Der er et det ’modsatte’ af et medie, som ikke ’fakta- tjekker’, deres nyheder, siger DKR..📰 "... (verdensalt:) -- Anders "Fog of War" Rasmussen = COME CLEAN!! - Hvis vi skal kunne tilgive dig Fogh, så fremlæg alt bevismateriale omkring Irak og hele dit synderegister gennem din politiske karriere. Du må gerne inddrage dine Venstre kollegere, så vi får alt skidtet frem i lyset, en gang for alle... Men sådanne spiller klaveret 'desværre' ikke i Illuminati-enklaven, hvor alle dækker over hinanden og hjælper til på næste job op ad rangstigen, så længe man er kynisk og krigsliderlig nok... |


Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Manden med den 'smooking gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (Charmør, Tyran og Verdensmand?)

Udgivet den 25. April 2016 af Verdensalt

"...oplyste og frie samfund kommer længere end uoplyste og ufrie samfund, netop fordi nogle tør provokere og kritisere autoriteter, hvad enten det er politiske eller religiøse autoriteter"

                             Anders Fogh Rasmussen, JP den 30. Okt 2005

Som altid smider jeg nogen boldte op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af konspirationsteorier eller sandheder, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.  

Teorierne syder, buldrer og brager fra Ildstedets flammende Hul. Nogle proklamere ligefrem, at Anders Fogh Rasmussen er homoseksuel og medlem af den sataniske kult, "Skull & Bones" (gren af Illuminati-organisationen), men verdensmand og magtmenneske, det er han sgu. Der skal ikke meget research til for at finde teorier, der indikere, at noget er alvorligt galt med Anders Fogh's image, især den 'rolle' han spillede, da han officielt forsvarede Danmarks deltagelse i Irak-krigen, 2003. Lyt og se videoen "Foghs glemte krigstale". Hemmeligt notatFogh varslede støtte til USA et år før IrakkrigenKære statsminister! – løgnen om krigen i IrakBo Elkjær, , Ekstra Bladets
Forlag, Ministerium har mørklagt info om kritisk Irak-interview...

Forhenværende NATO-generalsekretær og statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen er nok den mest magtfulde, sky og hemmelighedsfulde, blandt politikere i Danmarks historie. Derfor er det naturligvis nærliggende at 'snage', men det er stort set umuligt at fange manden på det forkerte ben. Han er for godt beskyttet af Venstre og magtelitens bagmænd.

Forrige Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen forklarede i et interview med Weekendavisen i januar 2003, at den vigtigste kamp om danskernes holdning skal udkæmpes på ord, ikke love. Fra George Orwells fremtidsroman 1984 - Et kynisk overvågnings-samfund, hvor myndighederne manipulerer med folkets tanker ved at ændre ordenes betydning. Ifølge Christian Kock løber denne kamp som en rød tråd igennem regeringens kommunikation.
»Statsministeren tænker strategisk og meget langt. Han vil ændre folks tænkemåde, og det gør han blandt andet ved at ændre sproget,« siger Christian Kock.

Fra kampen om Gyllegården til magtelitens #kæledække

Statsminister Fjogh virkede troværdig, når han barberede sig og ikke smilede for bredt. Ifølge flere kilder er han en perfektionistisk egenrådig stivstikker, som hader folk, der ikke ligner ham selv. Han plukker sine øjenbryn og farver sit hår. På Christiansborg var han accepteret, men ikke vellidt. Den italienske premierminister Silvio Berlusconi har sagt, at »hvis min kone skal være mig utro, så skal det være med Anders Fogh Rasmussen«.
I TV-udsendelsen »Året der gik« fortalte han stolt, at han har en polsk mandlig ven. De tager på cykle- og kanoture og ligger på gulvet foran fjernsynet og spiser pizza. Grunden til dette skulle være, at Fjogh aldrig fik en rigtig barndomskammerat. Det var der ikke tid til. Han skulle altid arbejde hårdt på den fædrende gård i Jylland. Desuden var han altid travlt beskæftiget med planerne om at blive statsminister. I landsbyskolen kaldte de andre elever ham »statsministeren«. Som 17-årig meldte han sig ind i Venstres Ungdom. Som 19-årig blev han folketingskandidat. Og som 34-årig blev han skatteminister.
Efter folketingsvalget i 2001 blev han statsminister i VK-regeringen. Og strategien var klar. Håndfaste løfter, klare aftaler, stramme retningslinjer for ministrene og ingen pinlige kvajesager. Det sidste lykkedes ikke. I slutningen af oktober 2006 dykkede vælgertilslutningen til Venstre voldsomt i meningsmålingerne. Det fik Fjogh til at se spøgelser overalt. »Man kan nærmest sige, at han er blevet paranoid. Han ser spøgelser og sammensværgelser der, hvor der intet foregår« - bemærkede en kilde tæt på regeringen (kilde: Ekstra Bladet 29. oktober 2006). I 2009 smed han håndklædet i ringen for at blive NATO-generalsekretær. I 2014 vendte han hjem til Danmark for at etablere privat foredragsvirksomhed. Som 62-årig kunne han nu hæve folketings- og ministerpension på 51.600 kr. pr. måned svarende til 619.200 kr. årligt ved siden af sine andre indtægter -

Fjogh og Fjenden - Putin

Torsdag den 17. april 2014 på direkte TV i den årlige spørgeudsendelse udtrykte den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin sin skepsis over for Fjogh (V). »Under et af vores møder da han var dansk statsminister, optog han hemmeligt vores samtale med en båndoptager og offentliggjorde den. Hans forklaring var, at han optog den for historiens skyld. Selvfølgelig er jeg beæret, men han kunne godt have advaret eller fået lov til at offentliggøre forhandlingerne. Hvilken tillid kan man have efter sådan en episode?« - udtalte han på russisk TV. Fjogh krøb i flyverskjul i NATO-hovedkvarteret. »Disse beskyldninger er totalt nonsens.....« - udtalte en af hans støttepædagoger i en pressemeddelelse. Hvem lyver - Fjogh eller Putin? Læs meget mere på (PS: politikerlede hjemmesiden er censuret nu) 

For lang og tro tjeneste tildeles du hermed.... | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | Blogger: [🇩🇰 Korrup- tionen, LÆNGE LEVE - Hurra, hurra, hurra og så det lange ... ja, ja, bevares, verdens- alt promovere gerne lidt, men de fortjener det også...👌] ... Velkom- men til endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen... |

NaturalNews | ~ Russia hoax COLLAPSES: Not a single American charged with collusion with Russia; left-wing media has been LYING all along ~ |

Breaking news: Russia collusion hoax collapses, here's what's next...
Mike Adams
The Russia collusion hoax has collapsed, and the fake news media is imploding by the hour. Two years of lies and 500,000+ fake news articles are now exposed as being part of a massive, fraudulent attempt to overthrow America's democracy.

What's coming next is a huge backlash against the censorship of the tech giants. I have publicly called for President Trump to seize the domain names of Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter as a way to force them to respect speech and stop their techno-tyranny.

Also today: Crazed anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti has just been indicted on multiple charges for wire fraud and attempted extortion of Nike. He now faces 50 years in prison. It's just the icing on the cake of an amazing day of truth finally coming out.

Meg Benedicte | Mar 26, 2019 | ~ Zero Point Reset ~ | .. We are witnessing a powerful gateway that initiated a Zero Point Reset for rapid human transfor- mation. On March 20-21 there were three planets at zero degrees synching with the Equinox and SuperMoon in a galactic rebalancing act .. |

Since the New Year all three full moons occurred at zero degrees, leading up to the powerful Equinox Libra Supermoon this past week. We are witnessing a powerful gateway that initiated a Zero Point Reset for rapid human transformation. On March 20-21 there were three planets at zero degrees synching with the Equinox and SuperMoon in a galactic rebalancing act.

We are in the midst of a global restructuring, recoding and rebirthing of a new divine human race. According to a scientific study described in the paper Science, they “found that a section of non-coding DNA controls the activation of a "master control gene" called early growth response, or EGR. The results show that EGR acts like a power switch for regeneration -- once it is turned on, other processes can take place, but without it, nothing happens.”

As you stand in the zero point reset, command the “Master Control Gene” to reset your dormant DNA to the divine human template and 12 strand crystalline DNA activation. This is an extraordinary time to switch directions and accelerate your cellular transfiguration. The solar ascension waves are transferring light codes and consciousness into your biofield.

If you missed our Equinox Supermoon Activations, you can listen to recording at itunes:

Or follow on youtube:

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | ~ Predictions and Spiritual Insights for April ~ | Blogger: [🙉'The Catholic Church has to admit to the coverups that continued the abuse. And now the truth about Michael Jackson’s past behavior as a pedophile has finally come out'🙈] ... Excerpts: " ..There is a different feeling in the air! This month is surfacing deep emotions and feelings from the soul and spirit of humanity. Revelations concerning past hidden secrets are finally clear. The power of the truth is setting us free. This involves so many aspects of society, beliefs and spirituality. This is the turning point because people are finally becoming aware and conscious. But there are some that cannot adapt to the explosive awakening and will fana- tically oppose this transformation.." |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

Spiritual Insights April 2019 

There is a different feeling in the air! This month is surfacing deep emotions and feelings from the soul and spirit of humanity. Revelations concerning past hidden secrets are finally clear. The power of the truth is setting us free. This involves so many aspects of society, beliefs and spirituality. This is the turning point because people are finally becoming aware and conscious. But there are some that cannot adapt to the explosive awakening and will fanatically oppose this transformation.

The mass consciousness is being reflected by many of the public realizations occurring now. It has all been a long time coming but now the mass consciousness accepts the truth. The ugliness of child abuse and the final atonement of these crimes to the innocent are finally being realized. The Catholic Church has to admit to the coverups that continued the abuse. And now the truth about Michael Jackson’s past behavior as a pedophile has finally come out. HBO has come out with a documentary called Leaving Neverland. Its controversial content is causing a new look at Michael from the vantage point of the effects abuse has on people. The Jackson family is suing the network for millions. The boys who helped cover up the truth have come forward about the abuse and the after effects on their life. When the truth is denied it haunts the spirit throughout life and eventually destroys life. Oprah Winfrey interviewed the two boys to open awareness of the truth of sexual abuse. Any issue that is denied throughout life will begin to breakdown and destroy the physical health. Many begin to believe delusions to justify and avoid the truth but their denials lead to eventual mental illness.

A documentary on Netflix, Abducted in Plain Sight is the ultimate extreme of the darkness of perversions. These stories could never come out before now. Viewer discretion is advised with this documentary. It is unbelievable how the minds of the victims can be manipulated.

These are examples of the past cover ups that have surfaced. To bring the hidden denials of mental illness and perversions that destroy humanity to the surface can begin the healing of ignorance and destructive behaviors in our society and world.

Hindsight is 20/20. Looking back at how Michael Jackson was cleared of 14 allegations of child abuse, and the OJ Simpson trail where those of power and money can buy anything, but not peace of mind or happiness. The truth will always prevail.

The unfolding of the deep corruption and revelations of the truth is now crystal clear and will prevent future denials. Awareness destroys darkness and perversions.

Throughout April, Jupiter is ghandanta the (last degrees of a water sign and first degrees of fire), which literally means drowning. This means the world will emotionally feel out of control, and consequently the intensity of emotion will affect the earth and natural disasters, storms, floods, volcanic eruptions violently affect the world.

TTAC‘s Eastern Medicine | ~ Discover The “Hidden” Knowledge of Eastern Medic- ine on This Journey Through Asia... ~ | Blogger: [💊Get a Red Pilled Free Ride - The Truth About Cancer😷] ... (verdensalt:) - There’s a huge challenge with cancer, and it’s probably not what you’re thinking... The problem is your lack of unconsciousn- ess understanding of the hidden censorship in your mind... Globalized, these unc- onscious blinders might make us immune to that diversity... Regardless of censor- ship, no one can truly STOP the TTAC team effort to bring us A-TRUTH, and it's because we have all been banding together to spread the word... |

verdensalt | ~ Cyborgs: Uselvstændige Fordomsmaskiner. Usammenhængende Fremtidsmennesket Anno 2030. Danskere med Personlighedsforstyrrelser og Utrygge Tilknytningsmønstre til Statens Orwellsk Rædselsregime ~ | Blogger: [🤖2030 er 'nogle' af os allerede transcenderet ind i 4. og 5. dimension af Ascension som det nye årtusinds spiritualitet😇] ...{Robotterne er ikke en fremtidsvision - de er her allerede og bliver inkorporeret i mennesker i form af mikrokosmos, men også makrokosmos, hvis vi ikke stopper A.I.} ... RESTEN AF GALAKSEHOBEN der 'nægter' af følge 2025(2030) Ascension og transmutationsprocessen - opstignings historien - de ændringer, som sker i den fysiske menneskelige opgradering - fra kulstof til krystallinsk... Ja, de, får inkorporeret en centralstyret overvågningskap- italisme hjernechip, som interagere med det globale 'gratis' 6G realtids-netværket, der uden sammenligning, sætter filmen' Ready Player One', i skammekrogen. I 2030 skabes der 3D bio-print af lemmer og organer, udskiftet med ny avanceret robotteknologi, mens vaccinationer med overlegen DNA-teknologismærkning (vi har det allerede) overtager doseringen af sygdomme i kroppen, med mikrorob- otter, som stort set kan kurere alt, men det tillader den medicinske mafia, naturlig- vis ikke... Sker det utænkelige, at vores elskede Jordklode, kollapser af et konstant Chemtrailing, fra HAARP, (afbrænding af fossile brœndsler) og andre vejmanip- ulationsapparturer, bliver man blot beamet op til en identisk Jordplanet, dublet af et 3D Matrix af illusions-design, (Star Trek hologram) tilpasset til massebefolk- ningen, som elsker at leve i selv samme 'format', som nu... 😉Nåååååå, det tror du ikke på - det lyder jo fuldstændigt galimatias, siger du, mens du sidder med dine overdimensioneret støjreducerende hørebøffer, som zombier, ude som inde, afhængige af mobilvaner, spil og tv-serier på Netflix og drikker tonsvis af Cola og rottebefængt godis fra sliksvindlere, og smasker til de semi-pornografiske billeder af debattøren Amalie Have, der skraldgriner, hele vejen ned til Banken, ligesom Britt Bager og Thomas Borgen, fordi hun tjener penge som Snapchat Nanny, da du ikke selv har tid, i et digital helvede af 'internet bots', der styrer dig, som amen i kirken, over i Statens Orwellsk Rædselsregime af digitalisering og robotisering... |

LÆS VIDERE: Amnesty i modvind efter angreb på Radio24syv

Hjernekassen på P1: Digital sikkerhed 2019-03-25

Hvordan sikrer man sit privatliv i cyberspace? Hvem har interesse i at snage i vores digitale korrespondance? Hvad er de største farer på internettet? Vi har eksperter i studiet. Vært: Peter Lund Madsen.