Aug 16, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (The Collapse & 'The Simpsons' accurately Predicted the Future: Wake the Fuck up Sheeple) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 16, 2023 ~ |

💧🦎🩸🧍 (King Shit of Turd Island Big Bad Doo-Doo Daddy) Frække-Frede-Fup fortalte om sit blå blod: DDFL/DDFO-Daisy besøger Cahors-market og vinslottet Château de Cayx med pludseligt synlige blå blodårer. Blåt Blod - overført adelig eller kongelig afstamning. Gennem blod og forræderi, ødelagte mænd og hævngerrige kvinder, skal broder møde broder, og konge stå over for konge på slagmarken. Mens dette sker, vil Militær-Medico-Mette stoppe bogafbrændinger med (ulovlig) koran-indgreb, som er 'meningsløse forhånelser', som hun siger det. Faktisk er forbuddet mod hadefuld hetz, således en dansk opfindelse, går tilbage til efterkrigstiden, for, at passe på jøder (Ashkenazi-Kabbalah-Zionister) fra de tyske nazisters bogbrænding på Opernplatz. ~ 16. August 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Er begrebet BLÅT blod i virkeligheden en metafor for reptilt blod eller rhesus-negativt blod? (blåt blod = koldt blod = reptiler er koldblodige!). Jeg ved godt, at også normale mennesker kan være rhesus negative. Men, at det kunne evt. tænkes, at de kongelige (eliten og Kabbalah) holder sammen på deres gener gennem indavl/giftermål med andre af samme stand og blodlinje og at de bare forsøger at bevare deres (elitære) reptile blodlinje, da det er denne, som gør dem i stand til at herske over flertallet af rhesus positive "abe"-mennesker? Dvs. Darwinismen A.K.A. evolutionsteoriens falske beviser, men i virkeligheden, har vores forfædre, som går tilbage til Annunakierne (de gamle guder), der rå-bollede (ja undskyld mig) med vores kvinder og derfor har vi nu, E.T. i blodet og DNA og derefter, indsatte, højstepræsteskabet, der forvandlede Jorden, til et fængsel. Min og manges teori er, at rhesus negative er en højere udviklet art af mennesket (Lucifer gud) og at det er grunden til, at de sidder på så mange indflydelsesrige poster (præsidentembeder, kongetroner o.s.v.). Naturligvis er de selv, bevidste, om dette og derfor forsøger at holde sammen på deres blodlinie. Og det er derfor kongelige ikke gerne blander deres DNA med hr. og fru Jensen. Eller skal vi sige hr. og fru Rhesus positiv... | 

Hvem er det, dronningen har med på Cayx? Det skal du vide om Henriette Obel | BILLED-BLADET (
Kronprins Frederik fortalte om sit blå blod | BILLED-BLADET (
Hillary Clinton brød ud i latter på direkte tv, da Trump blev tiltalt – og det så ikke kønt ud (
Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Are Related And Share Royal Blood (

Homo-stemplet - Journalisten
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 👑🎖️🦨 ~ (Daisy & Brødrene Øbberbøv: Er Kongehuset, det sidste tabu i Fo4lketinget?)  ~ | 

De værste forældre i TV og film (
Lolita sex kitten mk ultra - Brave Search
Inside the Wild Movie Controversy of 1978's 'Pretty Baby' (
17 rektorer kommer med opråb: - Vi har skabt et monster - TV 2
Statsministeren tordner mod mobiltelefonerne i børn og unges hænder: 'Farligere end trafikken' | Politik | DR
Regeringen vil afsætte trecifret millionbeløb årligt til erhvervsuddannelserne (

Russer forsøgte at få 26 milliarder ud af Nationalbanken (
33 millioner afpresse frimurerorden - Google Search
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: BT \\ Berlingske | Arkivskabet | ~ Mand sigtet for at afpresse frimurerlogen DDFO for svimlende beløb og et oprør i Danmarks største Odd Fellow Ordenen: »Det er til at græde over«: Til døden jer skiller. ~ |

Flere havde brug for psykologhjælp efter hollandske ”Forræder”-optagelser | SE og HØR (

Dansk dagblad får bøde på 325.000 kroner for coronasvindel | Penge | DR

Gevær-mand fortrød planer om at "pløkke en masse" i Rema 1000 -

🤗🏳️🙌 ('Its not just corrupt physical ppl on Earth we're dealing with multidimensional problem goes back 450,000 yrs.') ECETI News #66: Forward Golden Wolf Lahaina ~ Aug 16, 2023 ~ |


'In other words the fire that consumed Lahaina was a land grab. It was genocide against the Hawaiian people and their culture. Hawaii is the heart chakra of the planet carrying the Aloha spirit. Lahaina is the main anchor and home of most of the Royals. There are some very dark unseen negative influences. They are referred to as Satanic/Luciferian, reptilian, negative grey aliens and a host of others. They are responsible for the child, drug, and sex trafficking. Because just as there are malevolent unseen negative influences there are also benevolent. Might want to pray to the Ascended Masters, Ancestors and Star Nations for some help. Osiyo and Aloha' ~ Golden Wolf

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

August 15, 2023| Issue #66


By James Gilliland

Forward Golden Wolf Lahaina

We believe Lahaina is the spark that is going to unite the people, a grand wake up call as to the agendas of some very dark souls that care nothing for your children, your culture, the air, water, and land they seek only profit and power over others. They are inhumane and morally challenged. If you want to end the denial you have to come to terms with the fact that the reason there is so much inhumanity on the planet is because there is nonhuman interference. Interference that thrives on the pain, suffering and loss of the people. It is not just the corrupt physical people on earth we are dealing with, it is a multidimensional problem that goes back 450,000 years. We have been fighting against draconian law ever since. There are some very dark unseen negative influences. They are referred to as Satanic/Luciferian, reptilian, negative grey aliens and a host of others. They are responsible for the child, drug, and sex trafficking. Those who lust for fame, power and wealth sell their souls to these forces and unfortunately hold some of the highest seats of power. To them humanity is less than livestock, to many of them humanity is a nuisance and anyone who wants to live free according to Universal Law is a threat.

In other words the fire that consumed Lahaina was a land grab. It was genocide against the Hawaiian people and their culture.

🏴‍☠️⭕🔥😈 ('Grim reality in Maui 1000s died gruesome deaths BY DESIGN. Pyroterrorist operation Holocaust by Khazarian Cabal.') Mass Shooting at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas. Stranger than Fiction, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier Led Response to 2017 Vegas Massacre. Pelletier Orders Arrest of People in Maui and Instructs Press to Dox Arrested Witness. The Maui Massacre hard proof of Gladio-Style, False Flag Pyroterrorism ~ Aug 16, 2023 ~ |


Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official


🤫 N o b o d y is talking about biggest and worst mass shooting in American history anymore. Why did the mainstream media just tried to rush right past it like it never happened or at least didn't investigated this tragic event in 'real time'? No courageous undercover journalists dare to report or ask questions against the MSM media narrative. Why? Three reasons... Free Guy on SoTW still have lots of questions.... | 


Free Guy in Danish: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan og eller via helikoptere. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. |

Source:  (missing sorry - many websites and videos has been taken down or censored) 

(SOTN) 📑"The HARVEST massacre on October 1st 2017 in Las Vegas has been the most complex and inscrutable ‘false flag’ operation in U.S. history... This CIA-directed psyop, was also executed by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community who are relentless in their efforts to overthrow the Trump Administration. As always, this extremely purposeful psyop was specifically designed to distract the American people from the Democrat’s exploding “Uranium One” scandal.  The fake Russia-Trump collusion story was, in fact, concocted because the Democrats knew they had to muddy the waters. The DNC did not expect Trump to win last November; Deep State also knew that President Trump was privy to the entirety of Uraniumgate.  Hence, the Deep State Democrats resolved themselves to associate Team Trump with Russia collusion when it was the Clinton Crime Family, the DNC and the Soros Money Machine who were really the guilty parties..(..) "📑

Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

Three Reasons of whys: 

No#1: 'Sensationalism is what sells' (‘Loch Ness monster captured!’) - screamed the headline, with a photo showing a diver clutching the neck of something looking like a plesiosaur. This particular mass-circulation US tabloid often has similar ‘sensational’ reports which occasionally seem pro-creationist...

No#2: Dr. Evil's company owners (iconic evil megacorporations) like CEO of MGM, Georg Soros and others, sold off most of MGM company shares (Over $300 million in MGM shares) in the weeks leading up to the Las Vegas shooting (Wall Street financial advisor Kip Herriage has discovered evidence of insider trading with key players directly involved in the Las Vegas attack...

NO#3: CIA mockingbird (6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America) has since 1950s attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes... 

Free Guy: 👉👉👉
  • Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself? 
  • QWhy did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ)
  • QLas Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why? 
  • Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about? 
  • Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started?