Mar 1, 2017

PIOPIO | Netavisen | Uddrag | Journalister jager sensation og splittelse | Spørgeskemaer bliver ofte brugt af journalister til at skabe overskrifter og fremprovokere interne uenigheder i de politiske partier | Blogger: Mainstream media (MSM) og deres skandale-journalistik, censur og politisk ukorrekthed der ruller over skærmen, ofte på bekostning af de journalistiske grundprincipper.. |

Jens Jonatan Steen
Mediekritik: Medierne ynder at udsende spørgeskemaundersøgelse til de politiske baglande, men før man går på jagt efter sensationen bør man sikre, at der ikke går futurisk komik og direkte irrelevans i spørgsmålene.

Læs også: Fake news CNN used distorted “fake polls” to trick the public

YouTube | FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church | Ep. 615 | w/ James Gilliland : ECETI Ranch : LIVE | Great show!! | (Blogger: Very detailed discussing what's going at ECETI Ranch/Mount Adams. Never been there myself, but Meetup with James Gilliland at Rob Potter/Tracee Houghton 2015 - Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta. 1st night of skywatches/stargazing with James Gilliland, counting at least 50 people of us were chanting via "Just Say HU Technique", it was AMAZING.. Beside the one Military Helo and several planes, we had at least 20 confirmed UFO sightings in 1½ hour. Some of them went bigger and brighter. James had his night watch binoculars, myself my own Celestron 25x70 Skymaster Binoculars.. Several people caught orbs on camera etc...)

Published on Feb 28, 2017
James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee.

He is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon.

James’s books include: Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. He is the host of the documentary Contact Has Begun and has been featured on His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hot-spots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special and Paranormal State.

He is a speaker at events such as the International UFO Congress, Contact in the Desert and the Star Knowledge Conferences.

In5D | Alternative News | March 1, 2017

In5D Alternative News for 2015Welcome to in5d News, your source for Alternative News related to POSITIVE change in our society. Alternative news is the REAL news that is not being reported on the main stream media (MSM). It also reveals the propaganda that IS being reported by the MSM. If you’ve noticed, the main stream media promotes violence, fear and terror in their attempt to control us through specific agendas. in5d does not advocate fear-mongering propaganda and views ALL news as a potential for awakening the masses in as many ways as possible. Some news, such as Earth changes, show us the balance that is needed in all areas of life, while some political news shows us how this current paradigm of corruption is collapsing from within, which is integral in becoming a Type 1 civilization.
* check back throughout the day for more updates!
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PINNED: Metaphysical Explanations Of Specific Physical Aches, Pains And Sicknesses

6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate
8 Ways To Be More Productive With The Help of Meditation
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8 Things Happy People Do But Rarely Talk About

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VIDEO: Ep. 615 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ James Gilliland : ECETI Ranch
VIDEO: Angelina Jolie Admits Attending Illuminati Sacrifice in Leaked Video
VIDEO: Fireballs with Sonic Booms Rock Texas
VIDEO: John McCain’s Dirty Little Secret Just Got Exposed
VIDEO: Weather Warfare Is Destroying The Ozone
VIDEO: Jordan “The Elites Know How To Navigate The Holographic Universe To Keep Us In The Dark.”
VIDEO: GNN/WSO Interviews Chris Potter, Famed Nibiru Researcher
VIDEO: New York: High Levels of Toxic Chemicals Found In Water Supply Near Newburgh
VIDEO: Michelle Walling on The Naked Truth with Kelli Coffee/New Earth, Starseed Support and Relationships
VIDEO: Reality Has Been Hacked – David Icke
VIDEO: Galactic SeaStars Andromedans support Remy Ma beheading old Sick, Satanist HipHop Rep Nicki Minaj
VIDEO: Shamangineer | Earth Alchemy, Plant Spirits, & Engineered Abundance
We Are The Anunnaki’s Sons
The Enslavement System Is Crashing
Japan: HPV vaccine on trial for its horrifying side effects
Fake news CNN used distorted “fake polls” to trick the public
U.S. Marshals Biometric Scan Passenger Retinas To Board Flight: “Like Everyone Else, I Complied”
For The First Time, Federal Court Explicitly Establishes Filming Police As A Right
State Of Maryland Issues Report On WiFi In Schools — Not Favorable
Schumann Resonance 8.28

Strange Sounds | Eruption at Etna volcano intensifies in Italy, Sabancaya (Peru) explodes 42 times per day on average, explosive activity at Pacaya (Guatemala) and Ebeko (Russia)

RT NEWS | SpaceX announces 2018 manned trip to orbit moon | Blogger: Soft disclosure, but nothing in compare what whistleblowers reveals multiple secret space programs of the American military has been going on for over 60 years.. |

Two people have paid for the first private manned mission around the moon, to take place next year, SpaceX has officially announced.
"We are excited to announce that SpaceX has been approached to fly two private citizens on a trip around the moon late next year," SpaceX said in a statement Monday. "They have already paid a significant deposit to do a moon mission."
"Like the Apollo astronauts before them," the statement continues, "these individuals will travel into space carrying the hopes and dreams of all humankind, driven by the universal human spirit of exploration. We expect to conduct health and fitness tests, as well as begin initial training later this year. Other flight teams have also expressed strong interest and we expect more to follow. Additional information will be released about the flight teams, contingent upon their approval and confirmation of the health and fitness test results."
“This is a really exciting thing that’s happened,” SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said at a press conference, according to Gizmodo. “We’ve been approached to do a crewed mission beyond the Moon ...[and these passengers] are very serious about it. We plan to do that probably [with] Dragon 2 spacecraft with the Falcon Heavy rocket.”
In the company statement, SpaceX thanked NASA's Commercial Crew Program for providing funding for the development of the Dragon 2 spacecraft. This year, SpaceX is scheduled to send the craft to the International Space Station in a "demonstration mission [that] will be in automatic mode, without people on board." 

Speculation had been rife online ahead of the announcement. Some set low expectations, while others just wanted the suspense to end.... [read more

BREAKING | YouTube | Mr MBB333 | Massive Internet Outage - East Coast/Chaos into Canada!

Published on Feb 28, 2017
Feb. 28, 2017: **Breaking** | Massive Internet Outage Underway.

Marlene Swetlishoff | The Hilarion Connection©Update March 2017 | It is the most propitious time - prepare yourself |

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 
© 2017 therainbowscribe

PS: Not allowed embedding any transcripts from therainbowscribe anymore due to violating of copyright, only Video..



Published on Feb 28, 2017

Gaian Eye | Signs of Change | Recap of World Events from Feb 2017 | How close are we to mass arrests? | The cabal are losing power | When will humanity advance within | Soft disclosure continues | The critical mass of humanity meditated for planetary healing |

Published on Feb 28, 2017­hy.php­l (More)

Sheldan Nidle | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki | Planetary Activation Organization |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 

It is time to put those of the Light in charge. Time to bring in the promised moment of freedom. Time to terminate dark beliefs that allowed hate and separation to rule you. Time to live in Dignity and Love.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

9 Ix, 17 Zac, 13 Caban
Dratzo! The horror of the present is becoming quite clear. Those who long fought and defeated the dark and its seemingly ever-present minions are in for a very sad surprise. The dark’s resilience is ready to be revealed and discovered. This realm is ready for its most crushing blow. The Light knew from the start that it was to take a special strategy to ensure its total victory. This time of triumph is at hand. In this, the dark is to be totally caught unawares. Long ago, Heaven sent forth the warriors of the Light with a single aim. This was to be able to make the dark feel that it truly was in charge of this most sacred place. This plot is now hatched and the dark’s minions are finished! These useless entities are to be in shock as they helplessly leave. It is time to put those of the Light in charge. Time to bring in the promised moment of freedom. Time to terminate dark beliefs that allowed hate and separation to rule you. Time to live in Dignity and Love. It is the sacred moment for life’s unity to push to the forefront. Let all be so done!

We come now to finish what the Light began 13 millennia ago. The dark was given its temporary moment and it quickly dissolved into arrogance and tyranny. This ill-placed amalgam is now over. Its last vestiges are quickly to become what bad dreams are made of. We gladly move forth in a meaningful manner to assure that dark is finished. The Atlanteans and their ilk ruled for far too long. The dark began to think that the decrees of Heaven were to be beaten back by sheer persistence. This has proven to be false. In fact it was this odd approach, which was to be their greatest weakness. Now it is wondrously too late. We have come like Angels in the Night and cast aside any who greatly believed in the might of their deep and scurrilous thoughts. It is to be an event that arrives suddenly and slays any who wished to delay the inevitable. It is to be a moment for taking up this new time. It is as well to be when all can finally just be and accept this grand moment of triumph!

Radio24Syv | Det bedste af | Den Korte Radioavis | Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm revser SKAT, statens centraladministration og melder sig ud af Danmark | Hvor mange skattemedarbejdere skal der til at udbetale 12,3 milliarder til udenlandske svindlere. Venstre er blevet strammere og strammere - og det er ikke med vilje... | Den Korte Radioavis vender tilbage i starten af Marts 2017

 Aben er ond!

Daglig nyhedssatire

Danskerne er dødtrætte af alenlange, tilstræbt objektive nyheder – de vil have KORTE nyheder, jo kortere jo bedre, og så vil de have deres nyheder serveret i skarp sovs, på et sprog de kan forstå.

Programmet beværtes af seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, og med sig i studiet har hun nyhedsredaktøren Rasmus Bruun. Med deadline hvert femtende minut vil de sammen arbejde målrettet, knaldhurtigt og kompromisløst på at gøre nyhederne kortere og kortere, og skarpere og skarpere.

19. December 2016  Aben er ond!

Aben er ond! Det er noget svineri med SKAT, og ingen løfter et øjenbryn. Rasmus er ligeglad. Kirstens firma har købt en momsfri bels. Fint tiltag af Rina Ronja Kari med de bilag, desværre er hun bare skide dum. Rasmus prøver at muntre Kirsten op med Venstres sjove video. Der er Singularity University-møde på Marienborg i dag. Kirsten skal kaste en bakelittelefon i havet, så en af skraldemændene kan bo i den. Havet er jordens skraldespand og bjergene er jordens hat.

Fyens | Obama-parret takker ja til bogaftale på over 400 millioner | Blogger: Det forlyder, at Michelle Obama vil gå over i historiebøgerne som den værste 'money spender' og det tidligere præsidentpar, har brugt flere skattekoner end nogen anden folkevalgte politiker, i USA. Trump har forsøgt at sætte en stopper med et nyt lovforslag, men forgæves ser det ud til.. |

Obama-parret takker ja til bogaftale på over 400 millioner

Den tidligere præsident Barack Obama og førstedame Michelle Obama har ifølge Financial Times
 god grund til at smile med en ny bogaftale. (Foto: JONATHAN ERNST © Scanpix)

Fyens - 01. marts 2017 kl. 01:55

Barack og Michelle Obama har skrevet under på en rekordstor aftale om erindringerne fra Det Hvide Hus.

Barack og Michelle Obama, det tidligere førstepar i USA, har underskrevet en rekordstor bogaftale med forlaget Penguin Random House.

Det skriver Financial Times (FT).... [læs videre] [læs videre]


Trump Just Sent Michelle Obama a Bill She’ll Never Be Able to Pay in Her Lifetime


Wednesday, February 15, 2017 14:15

Trump Just Sent Michelle Obama A Bill She’ll Never Be Able To Pay In Her Lifetime Michelle Obama will go down in history as the First Lady who spent more money than any other. In addition to her 214 personal assistants, 32 gardeners, 11 dog walkers and her own mother on the government payroll as a “day care provider,” Moochelle also purchased $11 million worth of new furniture, an airplane, four yachts and two limousines with taxpayer money. What’s worse is that after she left, she decided she should be able to keep all of that stuff, even though technically it belongs to the American people. After an audit by the White House budget office, President Trump ordered that Michelle Obama be sent a bill for everything she should have paid for by herself but used government money instead. The bill, which totals eleventy billion dollars, is more than the Obama family will likely be able to afford in their lifetime.

Radio24Syv afsløring | DR skandale værre end #Hestegate | Café Hack brød reglerne: Tjente mindst én million på skjult sponsorering | Heftig kritik efter Mads og monopolet | »Spirituskørsel handler sgu da for hulen ikke om man SELV mener man kan klare at køre!!!!'«, skriver Liselotte Hansen | Blogger: Hvornår gør vi noget ved problemet og melder os ud? Er medielicens noget vi giver til hinanden? Er støtteordninger på skatteborgernes regning, retfærdige? Er staten er sted, hvor skattekroner forvandles til konfetti? Hvad med om borgerløn, er noget vi deler med hinanden?

Café Hack har tjent 1 million kroner ved at bryde DR’s regler

Skrevet d. 28. februar 2017 af Per Lysholt og Adam Emil Schierbeck

En opgørelse foretaget af Radio24syv viser, at P4-programmet Café Hack fra 2013 til 2016 har tjent mindst en million kroner på at sende uden for huset. Det er et brud på DR’s regler at modtage sponsorater. DF opfordrer til, at Hack betaler pengene tilbage...... [læs videre]

Nyheder fra Radio24syv 

01/03 Nyheder 05.00 01-03-2017

 Trump varsler indvandringsreform i første tale til Kongressen
  • Lavere rentefradrag og råderum skal finansiere nyt boligsystem
  • Politisk flertal vil afskaffe lægetjek af ældre bilister
  • Café Hack har tjent en million ved at bryde DR's regler
  • Obama-parret takker ja til bogaftale på 422 millioner

Heftig kritik efter Mads og monopolet lørdag

- Nej, Prebens forældre skal IKKE køre.

Af TILDE LIV ANDERSEN - 25/02-17 20:43
Lørdagens monopolister, i det populære radioprogram Mads og monopolet på P4, bliver stillet et spørgsmål, som får flere lyttere til at rase ud på tasterne. Er det okay, at lade lytteren Prebens forældre køre hjem efter lidt for mange glas vin?...[læs videre]