Jun 10, 2015

St. Germaine: Service to All vs. Service to Self - June 10, 2015

St. Germain, også kaldet “Greven”, er meget aktiv i forbindelse med jordens opstigning til 4. og 5. dimension. Hans største frihedsgave til menneskeheden er den rensende violette flamme. St. Germain har haft mange inkarnationer hurtigt efter hinanden. Af de mere kendte kan nævnes Josef, Marias mand, og han var Merlin, der rådgav og assisterede Kong Arthur ved Camelot. Han inkarnerede som Roger Bacon, en filosof, munk, alkymist og profet som satte stort præg på Englands videnskabelig lag. Senere i denne inkarnation blev han franciskanermunk og mange fler. Endelig inkarnerede han som Greven St. Germain, hvor han blev kendt som Europas “multikunstner”, manden der ved alt. Han kunne alle europæiske sprog, han var en af tidens bedste fægtemestre og var en blændende dygtig violinist og stor maler. Det er blot en forkortet udgave af St. Germain's mangfoldige livs-cyklus. World Trust (Støttefondene) er under formynderskab af Master St. Germain. Kun St. Germain kan aktiverer finansieringens-processen til RV/GCR med lederskab af Dragon Familien m.fl.

Læs mere om St.Germain's historie: Slagplanen fra de Primære Skabere, frigivelse af St. Germains støttefonde i 2014 & 2015

June 10, 2015 By Steve Beckow

Given events behind the scenes, which cannot be discussed for the sake of those involved, it seems a wise move to begin considering matters related to life after the receipt of abundance. In researching the subject, I came across this channeled message from St. Germaine through Goldenlight, from mid-2014.

It seemed so, well, germane that I wanted to repost it here.

We particularly need reminders of the original intent of this wave of abundance because, with our currency exchange, we could be hit by a wave of fear that we’ll lose our abundance if we contribute to others. But we forget that our work as financial wayshowers is to distribute that abundance, after taking care of ourselves. Those who prove the best at it, I’m told, will receive more.

So be prudent, be wise, but don’t overlook the very raison d’etre for the Reval – service to all through contributing, sharing. Nova Earth is a world of sharing, what I like to think of as a co-operative commonwealth.

Your planet and many of the beings on it are raising into the higher dimensions and this incoming worldwide prosperity and abundance is a part of this transition. And all who will be benefactors of this prosperity are assisting in this paradigm transition.

UN peacekeepers sexually abused hundreds of Haitian women & girls – report - June 10, 2015

UN peacekeepers deployed in Haiti engaged in “transactional” sexual relationships for food and medicine with over 200 women and underage girls, a draft report seen by the Associated Press suggests, noting that many cases of abuse remain underreported.

According to a new UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) report obtained by the news agency, a third of alleged sexual exploitation and abuse involved minors under 18.

The shocking conclusions were revealed after investigators interviewed 231 people in Haiti who claimed they were forced to perform sexual acts with UN peacekeepers in exchange for basic necessities.

“For rural women, hunger, lack of shelter, baby care items, medication and household items were frequently cited as the 'triggering need,'" the report says. Those living in the city or in its vicinity had sex in exchange for “church shoes, cell phones, laptops and perfume, as well as money,” report says.

“In cases of non-payment, some women withheld the badges of peacekeepers and threatened to reveal their infidelity via social media,” the report says.

The UN explicitly bans the “exchange of money, employment, goods or services for sex,” and discourages relationships between UN staff and those who are under their care. However, only seven of the interviewed victims “knew about the United Nations policy prohibiting sexual exploitation and abuse,”the report states.

The report, which should be released this month, makes no reference to the time frame of the alleged violations, but the 7,000-strong UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti started in 2004. The investigation also does not mention the number of peacekeepers involved.

The report says that the lack of any clear action is “demonstrating significant underreporting,” while noting that assistance to those that suffered is “severely deficient.” The average investigation by OIOS takes more than a year, according to AP.

Read moreUN urges CAR child-rape probe after failing to follow up on abuse reports for months

Sexual abuse by peacekeeping troops, some 125,000 of which are currently deployed around the world, has undermined the credibility of their missions. A rapid increase in prostitution and abuse in Cambodia, Mozambique, Bosnia, Sudan and Kosovo were documented after UN peacekeeping forces moved in.

Earlier this year it was revealed that UN peacekeepers raped and sodomized starving and homeless boys in the Central African Republic, some as young as nine.

However, the number of documented cases of sexual abuse and exploitation by members of UN peacekeeping missions was 51 in 2014, down from 66 the year before, according to the secretary-general's latest annual report on the issue.


Jim Willie: We are Living in the Twilight Zone – John Kerry Shot by ISIS - June 10, 2015 CET

We are getting into the extreme twilight zone, where reality is being distorted beyond belief.

The big story in the last week is that there are lots of reports that Secretary of State John Kerry was shot twice near the heart in France, in a secret meeting involving some of the ISIS leaders.

I believe this Langley/CIA creation has “gone amuk” to the point where we’re now betrayed by our own creation.

Immediately they came out with a false, BS story about a bicycle incident. As the Swiss doctors reported, he is “at death’s door” in a Washington hospital. He’s been in a Washington hospital for a few days.

Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State, is probably going to take control, now that Kerry’s been shot…” reports Willie in a radio interview on Monday, June 8.

“they have a lot of ground information from the Swiss professionals that saved his life.”

Truth is Stranger than Fiction in the Twilight Zone

“The big data point is the giant flying hospital, the Boeing aircraft that flew Kerry from Switzerland to the United States. “ As to his confidence level in his sources, he “puts it at a 7 or an 8” on a scale of 1 to 10.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Islamic news agency, Nasim reported, “Kerry secretly met with one of the leaders of Islamic State on Sunday. The meeting eventually led to an armed clash and an attempt to assassinate the US secretary of state.

Kerry’s meeting, in which the alleged assassination attempt took place, was with Gulmurod Khalimov, a senior Tajik police commander, trained in the United States, who announced his defection to Islamic State in a video released last week, the report states.

Quayle Alert- Pending Danger from Planet X: The Russian, Norwegian & Brazilian Governments have All Made Some Efforts to Inform their Populace about the Pending Danger from Planet X - June 10, 2015

Steve Quayle Alert

Original Writing: May 25, 2015
Update/Release: June 08, 2015
Memorandum To: Concerned Parties
From: John Moore
In Re: Jade Helm 15

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the alternative media, there has been a lot of concern over the goals and intent of the 2015 U.S. Military Exercise: Jade Helm 15.

There have been occasional reports (none I’ve previously seen backed by any demonstrable evidence) that the real reason for Jade Helm 15 is connected to Planet X, (Wormwood, Niburu). Up until I received the following report, these previous ones I regarded as background chatter. As a side note: working in U.S. Military Intelligence the Fall of 1967, in the Republic of Vietnam, we had “background chatter” about a pending massive enemy attack to take place during the 1968 Chinese Lunar New Year celebration called “Tet”. I learned the hard way to pay attention to background chatter.

As of today, that’s all changed, I now have intelligence from a private, trusted source that Jade Helm 15 is, indeed, connected to Planet X.

The Russian, Norwegian and Brazilian Governments have all made some efforts to inform their populace about the pending danger from Planet X. The USA has not, and will not. The extensive (and very expensive) underground cities Russia has built in the Ural Mountains, the several large “ghost cities” built by China far into the interior of their country make no sense whatsoever unless, or until, you factor in the violently rising ocean levels caused by Planet X.

The U.S. Government has decided to not reveal anything about Planet X and to maintain control until the very last moment. In my paper “No Need For Panic”, ( http://www.thelibertyman.com/downloads/No%20Need%20for%20Panic.pdf) first written in the Fall of 2005, I stated that there would be some pretext to declare Martial Law. I’ve now made my paper a free download for all to read at my web site HTTP://WWW.THELIBERTYMAN.COM

I made the point in 2005, and still believe, that the reason for Martial Law must be a pretext and have no connection to Planet X. The reason being people will “go along” with Martial Law due to race riots and/or an economic collapse and/or Islamic terrorist attacks as being reasonable and prudent. Telling people to do anything once they find out about the threat of Planet X simply will not work.

The three most likely scenarios for this pretext (as of May 2015) are a race war and/or an economic collapse, followed by Islamic Terrorist (i.e. ISIS) attacks. I would be remiss to not mention the clear and present danger posed by Russian and Chinese troops on U.S. soil and in nearby Mexican staging areas.

There is a lot of focus, by those of us in the alternative media, on the September/October time frame. While I have no crystal ball, I will advise all concerned persons to commence what they consider to be prudent preparations ASAP.

June 8, 2015 update:

The Central Banks Are Losing Control Of The Financial Markets - June 10, 2015

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog

Every great con game eventually comes to an end.

For years, global central banks have been manipulating the financial marketplace with their monetary voodoo. Somehow, they have convinced investors around the world to invest tens of trillions of dollars into bonds that provide a return that is way under the real rate of inflation. For quite a long time I have been insisting that this is highly irrational. Why would any rational investor want to put money into investments that will make them poorer on a purchasing power basis in the long run? And when any central bank initiates a policy of “quantitative easing”, any rational investor should immediately start demanding a higher rate of return on the bonds of that nation. Creating money out of thin air and pumping into the financial system devalues all existing money and creates inflation. Therefore, rational investors should respond by driving interest rates up. Instead, central banks told everyone that interest rates would be forced down, and that is precisely what happened. But now things have shifted. Investors are starting to behave more rationally and the central banks are starting to lose control of the financial markets, and that is a very bad sign for the rest of 2015.

And of course it isn’t just bond yields that are out of control. No matter how hard they try, financial authorities in Europe can’t seem to fix the problems in Greece, and the problems in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France just continue to escalate as well. This week, Greece became the very first nation to miss a payment to the IMF since the 1980s. We’ll discuss that some more in a moment.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 10. Juni 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Finansielle akronymer

Your time in the dark is over! You need to establish in your mind just how wonderfully powerful you are! Many miracles are to come!
Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the
Sirian Star system

4 Ahau, 18 Pax, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come today knowing what is happening here. A movement is rapidly growing around this globe. This movement has permitted a new financial system to be born and the former great powers of your globe to bow before it. At present, this reality is not yet fully public because a number of legal processes need to be completed. These final processes are to take time. However, be advised that these last formal documents are not delaying the transfer of the first monies for the numerous humanitarian projects. These are expected to arrive shortly. The dark cabal knows deeply what all of this truly means. Its long time for unfettered power is coming to an end. Soon, it is to be possible for the new NESARA governance to take power. When this finally happens, it can permit the debt forgiveness to be formally declared and the long UFO cover up to be concluded. Hence, you are to have a number of huge debt burdens removed and a repayment of all funds illegally taken from you to be restored to you. This is to be one of the ways in which your general prosperity can begin.

The strategy is, of course, to remove the dark cabal from power and create a new paradigm for this reality. The Ascended Masters have committed to giving you a few lessons. These changes are to be the foundation for the new perceptions needed to understand what is to be once this new governmental and financial system is fully installed. This new world is really only one of the numerous transitional phases you are to realize once this realm is altered. You are to be a person who can accomplish your dreams. Debt is to be no more and a vast slew of humanitarian projects are to aid you in making your dreams come true. The goal is to provide resources for each of you so that you can do what is your part in this vast process. Finally, at the right moment, we can land and introduce you to your mentors. This point is to represent a watershed for you. Our mentors are to start a process where you can learn about your ancestry and learn where you are going after you return to full consciousness. This process is, in reality, only a beginning.

Dave Schmidt Update: Discussing the Truth of the RV/GCR (Real Power With Money & Banking Cartel Only Lies With The Few) - June 10, 2015 CET

Real Power With Money & Banking Cartel Only Lies With The FewTNT Tony and Neil Keenan has runned fraud scheme for years! Infowars(Alex Jones) - Many, many others like the Dinar Gurus). RV Will NOT Be A Public event! 3-5 Years Gas & Oil will be obsolete. 

Breaking: We are now at a point of G7 & World Collapse. US has 235 Pct debt of the GDP (Gross 'annual' domestic product) European countries cannot exist on this either. September is the BIG EVENT!!!!!! 

Finansielle akronymer

Dave Schmidt has a unique background in banking and finance, plus as a State Senator and a seminary graduate. Dave looks at politics, money and world affairs from a different paradigm, with passion for uncovering the truth about government and political issues in conjunction with how they impact our lives. In fact, Dave Schmidt has been a "whistleblower" on two different Discovery Channel TV programs as an expert on how government covers up and lies about what really goes on.

WhoNeedsLight: Mother's Mini-Message # 7 - The Trouble with Pleading Innocent - June 10, 2015

Mother's Mini-Message # 7

The Trouble with Pleading Innocent

Today I will give you just a small taste of a subject we will be studying together in the near future. It is a key to your freedom, a mystery door that was closed eons ago. I urge you to walk with me, venture forth into unknown territory, and risk losing everything you have ever found annoying, infuriating, hurtful and irreconcilable about missed communications with others.

I am about to open a subject that has been supposedly settled ages ago, and I intend to make you question everything you thought you knew about human nature, forgiveness, and peaceful negotiations. I hope I have you interested. I will begin with a poem from Kathryn's book, Who Needs Light. It illustrates a particular personality trait that is all too familiar:
Oh my, did I spill that?
How clumsy of me.
Your new suit, your briefcase,
All sopping with tea.
I wish I were suave and
Well-ordered like you.
I just stumble along
And - oops - step on your shoe.
You're competent, worldly,
Not fearful like I am.
You're brave and secure,
You go forth like a lion,
While I'm so distracted,
My mind's left ajar...
Oh, yes, did I tell you
I totaled your car.

Oh, I'm so hopeless,
You'll hate me, you see,
I locked out the children
And misplaced the key.
But the neighbor was lovely,
The police were so gracious,
Now, where is my wallet?
I guess I've displaced it.
I'll just have to borrow
A wee bit of money.
I'm so glad I could help
When you needed me, Honey.

It is funny, except when you are brought back to incidents in your own life that left you frustrated, angry and stonewalled by a clever acting job that was intended to convince you that this person is truly helpless, mentally unhinged, and completely unaware of her/his actions and the frustration they cause others.