Nov 8, 2020

🌎🕳️🐇 ~ (Flat-Earth Hoax) The real conspiracy: Flat earth is a Psyop like the US election (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: 💭OMG! What the🤯Flat earth theory exploding in popularity... 🔎According to Google Trends, google searches for Flat Earth have skyrocketed in 2016, possibly due to a somewhat popular rapper named B.O.B. (aka Bobby Ray Simmons Jr) who tweeted about the issue in 2016... 🙉Other believers are; Danish Ole Lochmann, Psychotherapist, NBA star Shaquille O'Neal. Mark Sargent, expense conferences, seminar, Facebook hangouts etc. etc. - oh my... 💭While I (verdensalt) remain open minded about all things, in my research of Flat Earth I concluded that there was no convincing evidence to support a 2D model... 💪All superpowers who have access to the universe make extensive use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, it is used to 'blur' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Armada, their 2 massive space stations in (LEO), the entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, space stations on the dark side of the Moon, the Sun's real appearance (Portal) and of course the extraterrestrial beings spaceships, etc... 🤪My theory is as crazy as Danish Ole Lochmann for most and i do respect that... 🤓At CIA, it is called 'divide and conquer algorithm'. More and more belief systems are emerging, so the CIA creates a lot of stories, one of them is that the Earth is Flat, so the focus moves away from what's important (distraction)... 🦹TheDeepState or Cabal or the Dark Alliance, does not want you and I to wake up. All of this involves focusing on the wrong things in life and extending the awakening process! Have you thought about it?... 🚸Just remember one thing that many people forget, our children know more than we do. Listen to our crystal and indigo children. They know... 🤔If you are still in doubt, check the 'real science', not conventional Pseudoscience, which is sponsored and paid for by the Big Tech for 'controllers' delight: 🌱1. Electrical dipole field -- It requires a round sphere. 🌱2. Toroid Energy Flow - The Torus - Dynamic Flow Process: The Code to the Universe -- A torus which is a space geometric shape resembling of a car tire or a donut form. 🌱3. The Coriolis effect -- The Coriolis effect emerges from Earth's rotation 🌱4. Both NASA and the Russian federal space agency "Roscosmos" have broadcast several 360-degree videos to the public. That the Earth and other planets should be 'flat' - That's a NO GO!!. 🌱5. THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? Verdensalt's point of reference is the movie "Thrive 2011" which really is inspiring in many ways, believe it's the best eye-opener that is made to date... If you're amongst the increasingly population of CIA Psyops 'flaterthers', you'd be stunned ... You be the judge ... |


Mark Twain — 'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

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