Nov 4, 2020

🧥🥼☠️ ~ (COVID-20) From Wuhan to Denmark. From Bats, seagulls and dogs and cats. New mutation in mink threaten vaccine worldwide, W.H.O. has been warned and approx. EUR 1,1 billion danish industry is about to disappear. Mink is now de facto 2009 H1N1 pandemic (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉12 people are infected with a mutated coronavirus derived from mink - so they claim👈] ... Danish parliament and politicians are panicking... My mom who has been a ER nurse and leader in a Hospital emergency room for 45 years, and knows a lot about virus pandemics and everything else, has loooots of questions this evening over the insanity of killing minks in Jutland 400 km from danish parliament and are asking: "Is this a deliberate act for communist China to "destroy" mink production in Denmark? - she ask. She goes on: "They haven't blame "mink" yet for the outbreak of (new mutated) Coronavirus in politicians - but is blamed to infect humans - is that even possible"? SoTW asks: "Will they close down borders from Zealand to Jutland, like they did when former president Obama, visited Denmark."?... So many question, so little time... Danish PM goes into self-isolation and joins 14 members of her cabinet in self-isolation after justice minister tests positive for the virus... (Satire) Who to blame and what to do?... hmm... hmm... Yeeees! I got it, says Mette Frederiksen... We should cull aaaall farmed minks over COVID fears and call it a Wuhan mutation and COVID-20?... I’ll admit it - the biggest story of today might not come out of Denmark... Unless, you loooove gorgeous furs coats from Danish Mink... Not 1 million not 2 or 4, but 17 million mink is about to be slaughtered - in the name of panic and our psychological biases... The main target right now is The North Jutland Region, that is about to be quarantined and LOCKDOWNS is to begin tomorrow... Some would say it's heinous crime to kill minks for fur and oil, many investigation reveals animals brutally beaten and skinned alive on fur farms in Asia for the sake of fashion. Some are claiming that the same thing, goes on in Denmark...|

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