Nov 11, 2020

⛰️πŸΊπŸ’• ~ (Alien Base for Giants Discovered) Radu Cinamar and the Bucegi Mountains of Romania: Hall of Records from the Ancient Builder Race? (PFC) ~ | Blogger: PS: Something incredible happened to me recently after some unique profound (Cobra) conferences 2015, 2016, 2017 and in Budapest of April 2018 (and Bucegi Mountains). A dozen of the participants left in the city where the conference had taken place, was incredible lucky to be part of Mr. C's inner circle in a few hours going on a secret mission in the city center of Buda... Later on that year, I think it was, our support group (nothing to do with Cobra) meet up again on a secret mission in the Bucegi mountains, cintamani stone ceremony, meditation, mystical cave hiking, special sessions and the connections, unity, so much love, magic, releasing, personally transmutation and collective transformation... Here, I got involved with a gorgeous young woman and then - all hell broke loose from the other younger people in the group - ego, whispers and back stabbing and two facedness, envy, suspicious beliefs and what have you... I, as a older man, not that old, was left stunned, that the Core support group of (Cobra), was that traumatized and splitted in half and I think, it drove Emy and myself, to go our separate ways a few months later. Aaaand I really liked her, but she did not approve of Denmark, compare to a Metropolis city in her own country, missing her family, it was all dark, cold and people where not talking to each others etc. But it had more to do with her own (stuff) inside her that was (broken) I think... My danish holistic doctor had her in session, for more than 4 hours straight and like the rest of us, it was a mess and a lot of rebuild... Anyhow -- One thing that cannot be taught but only be learned through experiences, even (so-called) highly-evolved spiritual beings, and my group, was not all, but had many younger woman and man arround 30's, at that time, you're "JUST" beginning to wake up on your spiritual path.. When you are 50 like me, with 20 years of personal development, you're spiritually awake, and that lets you see things in a new light and from a different perspective... And yes, I can still attract a woman in her late 20s, so it seem, believe it or not and I'm not ashamed... |


Suggested reading from one of our subscribers, from

While perusing some books on Amazon, a book entitled Transylvanian Sunrise by Radu Cinamar and Peter Moon caught my eye. I flew through the pages and have since read the sequels, Transylvanian Moonrise and Mystery of Egypt: The First Tunnel. The next book in the series which I’m currently reading is called The Secret Parchment. All are supposedly true accounts with certain information withheld as being too sensitive.

The author uses the pseudonym of Radu Cinamar. Peter Moon, known for his Montauk series, becomes his American publisher years after the first Romanian publication. Cinamar recounts his experiences working within a Romanian Intelligence Service unit called Department Zero with Cezar Brad (alias), a man born with an unusual umbilical cord and gifted with special psychic abilities.

The narrative follows the Pentagon’s satellite discovery of a hidden underground chamber in the Bucegi Mountains in 2003. The anomaly is situated near a rock formation famously coined the Romanian Sphinx. The Romanian government, initially ready to share the amazing find with the world, is forced by the Pentagon and a high level Masonic group to keep the discovery a secret. [READ MORE]

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