Jun 24, 2020

๐Ÿคฅ๐Ÿงง⚒️~ (If people knew) Live Updates: 75th Anniversary Victory Day Parade Held in Moscow (Sputniknews) ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ‘‰14,000 troops and no facemasks, no restrictions and with 607K confirmed Corona cases, 369K recovered and 8.513 death๐Ÿ‘ˆ] ... {'All Wars Are Bankers' Wars'} ... What If people knew? From Stalin to Hitler to Winston Churchill, the most murderous regimes in the world???. Harsh statement?... Somewhere down the line, we may choose to appropriately express our anger when we find out the TRUTH!... The alliance of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Unionduring World War II is often presented as a fragile necessity. The alliance was forced into existence by Hitler and fell apart as soon as Nazi Germany was defeated. But neither the formation of what Churchill later called the Grand Alliance nor its collapse was inevitable. The Grand Alliance was willed into existence by its leaders and then sustained through four years of total war. It was one the most successful alliances in history.... Nethertheless, newly declassified FBI documents from 2015 prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II. On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. His body was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Is it really possible that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has purposely been rewritten? No one thought so until the release of the FBI documents. It seems that it is possible that the most hated man in history escaped war torn Germany and lived a bucolic and peaceful life in the beautiful foothills of the Andes Mountains.... You be the judge... |

Source (sputniknews)

The traditional 9 May event, dedicated to the victory over the Nazis in World War II, was delayed this year due to the pandemic. As a result, President Vladimir Putin set it to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Victory Parade in 1945, when the soldiers who stormed Berlin and liberated Europe, marched through Moscow.

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