Jun 26, 2020

😞 ~ The “Corona Hoax”, The Proliferation of Racial Riots. Towards a Military Lockdown? ~ | Blogger: [👉"The Second Coronavirus Wave: Last and Final Economic and Social Collateral Damage That Will Break Every Small Businesses in the Western World & Create the Well Planned Digitisation, Robotisation and Control Grid?" ~ SoTW👈] ... Oh man! I'm sooooo sick and tired of hearing about the CoronaCrisis or #Black Lives Matter or whatever that "matters" for a small bunch of old white elites delight or what's (next) in store for us, to (save) HUMANITY, but only saves Banksters, "Tech Giants", and The medical–industrial complex... ENOUGH ALREADY!... |

Source (globalresearch)

The “leak“– this time from the German Ministry of the Interior – shows a “secret” 93-page document, admitting basically how badly Germany reacted to the corona hoax – no, the paper doesn’t call it a ”hoax”, but you can taste it between the lines. In essence it says the economic and social collateral damage is much, but much larger than the impact of COVID-19- in terms of lives lost due to postponed treatment for cancer, heart and other life-threatening diseases, collapse of social infrastructure, despair, suicide, joblessness – no future in sight… for many the world just collapsed like a house of cards – no perspective nothing.(READ MORE)

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