Mar 4, 2020

๐Ÿง‘‍๐Ÿš€ ~ This Former NASA Employee Knows What Is Really on The Moon ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ™Thanks to PAO/Galactic Heart Newsletter. Highly recommended by Sheldan Nidle & Colleen - Selamat Ja!๐Ÿค—] ... {SoTW meet and talked to Dr. R. Ken Johnston, even got his autographragh at MUFON 2017 in Las Vegas} ... And you know, I'm damn proud, yeah!. To have meet the legendary Navy whistleblower for SSP, William Mills Tompkins (deceased) and other people, like that... Listen, SoTW is Mr. nobody. I'm a hillbilly from Denmark, former IT banker, living in one of world's smallest countries. An ordinary bloke, just happened to be at the right time and right place, because I dare, to take one small step for mankind and DEVOTED to find the TRUTH. I couldn't ask my old friends to take a leap of faith with me. 1️⃣ -- They do not believe in the Cause... 2️⃣ -- Traveling around America (or world), keen to meet likeminded souls, spiritual leaders or attend conferences (whatever) or just experience fearless speakers, who are not afraid to die for speaking up, which nobody can proof have experience what they say they did or anybody are able to see with his naked eye is truth, is terrifying, for most... 3️⃣ -- Facing fear for a true Spiritual Awakening, is no easy! Stepping out of self pity ones Ego, defenses, combating traumas, chock experiences and most importantly, knowing, that we live inside a 3-D matrix of illusion or simulation, is soooo painful at the start, nobody wish to go there!. Yes, after I broke loose from the inner core of Cobra organisation and support groups, I lost many good (friends) and my young girlfriend, who are almost blindly devoted to their Guru. Sometimes, I feel left alone and nobody understands me even if I know, that my Angels Spirit Guides are here for me and to point me in the right direction, because I'm Mr. nobody, in the the Eye of Sauron of the Matrix, doesn't mean, I should just give up... But you know, that's the way the cookie crumbles... |

Dr Ken Johnston (SoTW (Tim) Dr. R. Ken Johnston signed autograph) 
Source (Awakening Expo TV)

Dr. R. Ken Johnston, Sr. is a retired aerospace engineer, US Marine. He was asked to destroy a nearly-complete collection of 8″ x 10″ glossy photo-prints from the Apollo program, photos that are not available from NASA. He refused and even kept some of the evidence.

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