Mar 19, 2020

๐Ÿ˜‡ ~ ๐Ÿ’— Just Hours Till Equinox Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) ๐Ÿ’• ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "We are currently in the midst of a global restructuring, recoding and rebirthing of a new divine human race. During the Equinox zero point stillness, we’ll experience a ‘planetary pause’ to upload the New 5D Earth blueprint into Gaia’s field. Just imagine a world vibrating in Love and harmony."... |


In just hours the Vernal Equinox arrives on March 19th at 8:50pm PDT/ 11:50pm EDT. The Equinox represents the balancing point of opposites, symbolized in the Tao image of dualism (yin/yang). It only happens a couple times a year. The Equinox Gateway forms a perfect zero point portal of pure creational force. Zero point energy is potent, fertile, vibrant with infinite vitality. It is the void space of all possibilities. The Equinox provides a magical moment out of time when we can ignite our visions and heart-felt desires into reality.

We are currently in the midst of a global restructuring, recoding and rebirthing of a new divine human race. During the Equinox zero point stillness, we’ll experience a ‘planetary pause’ to upload the New 5D Earth blueprint into Gaia’s field. Just imagine a world vibrating in Love and harmony. Imagine a world without disease, hate or greed. These lower dense frequencies and systems are breaking apart and decomposing. The majority of the world no longer tolerates such a dark, destructive reality. It is being replaced with a Loving world of cooperation and compassion.
I will be offering Equinox Global Activations this Thursday, March 19th while the Equinox Gateway is open. If you can’t attend the ‘live’ broadcast, you can still order the replay and work with the Activations as often as you need. We are the galactic Alchemists, bringing all of existence into balance and harmony. Together we will activate the planetary Ascension blueprint and equitable global system for the New 5D Earth!

In zero point energy, we can infuse the coronavirus with its anti-body/anti-particle. All of nature is searching wholeness. We will work on transforming the coronavirus with its anti-particle. We will work in the planetary field to cleanse and purify the viral toxins, emotional trauma and survival fear from past life famine, plague and disease history.

All Lightworkers are here to establish a Sovereign planet and 5D human race.

Join other Star Beings and Gridworkers from all around the world, as we gather on Thursday, March 19th to broadcast our Equinox Gateway Global Activations. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, click here:



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