Mar 27, 2020

๐Ÿ™‹‍♂️๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ˜‹ ~ Coronavirus - What Is Really Going On? - David Icke Talks To Jimmy Church ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ˜ทOh My C(orona). A (true) revealing trip down the rabbit hole after swallowing the Red Pill๐Ÿ’Š] ... {'DS' or 'Permanent Govt' or 'Dark Suits' wish to collapse the financial system. Boris & Trump are both pushing back on the 'Orwellian' Lockdown, but, DS are forcing the PM and POTUS to do it, because if not, we're (DS) are going to blame YOU, for the COVID-19 deads ~ David} ... This must be one of the best videocast with Mr. Icke on the Corona subject... If, you're seen David LIVE or read his books, skip to 30 minute marker until 50 minute marker and get ready to be stunned and shocked... Like Simon Parkes says; "London is Focal Point"... Let's put this into perspective David says; every year on average, 17,000 people dies of flu in Britian and in 2014 it was 28,000 people (1.644 died of flu in Denmark 2017/2018). CDC in America figures states, that 45 million got flu in 2017/2018. 80,000 died from the flu (And 650,000 people worldwide - thanks Cobra).. David goes on, so, if we were dealing with these figures now with COVID-19, i mean, cricky, what the hell will be happening. We need to take a breath, keep calm and look at things from a clam perspective.. Backtracking a little bit, David, start out with numbers, (30-35 M marker) in which, SoTW, has both my own mom, retired 40 year+ working as nurse, leadership and management personnel in a danish emergency room (ER) and danish active practitioner Dr. Vibeke Manniche saying; David says, that 98% of people, RECOVER, from COVID-19 (Dr. Vibeke Manniche says 99%). David says, according to Mainstream Medicine quote, 80% of the groups who has been infected, has "VERY MILD SYMPTOMS". Next group has "moderate symptoms", leaving a SMALL group of older people, and people with other health problems in danger, as they are in danger from influenza and other illnesses (Remember this guys: "99% of those who died from virus had other illness, italy says"). PS: How can a 101-year-old man who survived spanish flu pandemic recover from the coronavirus?... 34 are dead in Denmark, between 80 to 94 years old, 1 is 50, at the same time 3700 people in DK, died from other illness -- CAN YOU SEE?... In last statement SoTW wanna make following after the {} in the start of the commentary pointers, David, says; Where to you think these terrifying COVID-19 (dead and infected) numbers come from? COMPUTERS MODELS. The same computer models that COMPLETELY misread previous viruses like SARS, EBOLA, MERS and other "global nightmares", that turned out, not to be so. Computer Models are also DICTATING policy for Climate Change (hoax)... SoTW - I rest my case... BTW, all Dr. Vibeke Manniche' videos on Facebook has been deleted and danish people has shown a sign of evil temper, and should undergo 'anger management' courses but trying with many unnecessary and outright disgusting comments, to SHUTDOWN, Dr. Vibeke Manniche and her daughter, Mai, from speaking up, like it was neptune massive hunt for red october... |

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