Jan 27, 2020

👑 🛩️🏎️~ Prince Charles campaigning against the dangers of global warming for 50 years, flew in empty planes 16,000 miles, an estimated cost of £280k taxpayers money in just 11 days using three private jets and one helicopter and one luxurious electric Jaguar before proudly posing with Greta Thunberg in the prestigious Swiss resort of Davos (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [😳The spread of Flight Shame in Europe doesn't apply to the modern Joan of Arc, crisis actor Green-Greta & the Looney Prince🤴] ... {where is Britain's scandal-hit sex offender Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark?In hiding? At least he's not on Epstein's 'Lolita Express' flight with his young Russian underwear model} ... On top of everything, the Looney Prince and angry Greta manage easily to agree that climate change, global warming and Donald Trump are the greatest threats humanity has ever faced... I have never in my entire life understood why people don't get upset when thousands upon thousands of deep state operators from the higher echelons of society could say to a sitting president, that he is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, besides the fact, that climate change is the "greatest scam in history"... |


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