Aug 5, 2019

πŸ‘Ό ~ πŸ’“ We have GOOD NEWS!! (Matt Kahn) πŸ’• ~ |

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangel throughout his life. Matt serves as a bridge between the mysterious empires and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, inexplicable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened their true nature through Matt's deep and loving teachings and transmission of holy heart wisdom. Matt and Julie offer their clear intuitive guidance and loving presence, removing all perceptions of obstacles in your life and too energetic to support you through all aspects of the spiritual journey and experience of awakening.


To those of you who joined the first Global LOVE Activation of Project Resolution, we offer infinite gratitude for the healing power you helped anchor. Every single heart on the call contributed to the unified power that was activated on this planet through the 8/1, 11:11 call.

Matt shared the mantra:

"The children are set free, and may it begin with me." 

This encapsulated the remarkable energy we ignited for healing and freeing children of all ages across the globe, including the innocent child within each of us. Matt specifically called for the freedom of immigrants trapped at borders, and men, women and children enslaved in human trafficking.

Stories keep flooding in from our audience reporting evidence of this freeing love in action....and we're seeing inspiring results in our local, national and worldwide news as well. Here's just one example of the power of children being set free, as it begins with me...a rescue that took place within 24 hours of our Project Resolution call:

Aubriana Recinos, 4, was reported missing out of North Carolina July 8, according to Fayetteville police in NC. She was reportedly found in Lewisville, TX Friday with human traffickers. Photo Courtesy of Fayetteville Police Dept.

"A 4-year-old North Carolina girl who had been missing for nearly a month was found in Lewisville Friday with a group of human traffickers, authorities said.
Aubriana Recinos, who was believed to be in danger, was reportedly in safe condition...The FBI was investigating the suspects, who had other children in addition to Recinos." (Source: J. Howland, "Missing 4-year-old North Carolina girl found in Lewisville with human traffickers, police say", Ft.Worth Star-Telegram, 8/2/19)
While there are so many others who need our help, this shows one example of the power of our united intention-- and how swiftly the universe responds when we work together for the greater good of all.

From Matt's heart, and our hearts, thank you for BEING THE CHANGE.

All For Love,

Alison and the All For Love team

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