Aug 27, 2019

👨‍👩‍👧 ~ Trump's daughter-in-law on a secret visit to little Danish island (DR - Archive 2017) ~ | .. The family relationship between Denmark and the US President is closer than previously assumed .. |

Translated from Danish - Excerpts:   

On a small danish island called Orø, near Holbæk, lives John Ewans Porting, son of jazz composer Kai Ewans, who emigrated to the United States in the 1950s.

John Porting's siblings still live in the United States, and his niece, Vanessa, is married to Donald Trump Junior and thus daughter-in-law to American President Donald Trump.

Recently she had a secret visit to Orø's family visit.

"It was a completely private family visit. That's what private life is all about and we all need and she especially. So she has enjoyed that time with us, says John Ewans Porting...

Vanessa Trump and Donald Trump Junior have five children together - only one was in Denmark. In addition to his visit to the family, Vanessa Trump was also invited to lunch at Marienborg with Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V).

But when the speech falls on his impression of Donald Trump, John Ewan's Porting immediately becomes more reluctant.

- We have talked about that in the family, and we keep such a subtle border here. Of course we have met him and my impression - yes, it is so very personal and I will say nothing about it, he says.

The Ewan Porting family has wanted to keep the family relationship close to themselves. But it was difficult to avoid discovering the visit of Vanessa Trump as three black cars with security people rolled aboard the ferry to Orø.. (..)....


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