Aug 24, 2019

๐Ÿ›ถ ~ Mysteriously vanished Dutch WikiLeaks partner ‘likely’ lost in kayaking accident – Norway police (RT) ~ | .. His body has still not been recovered .. | Blogger: IN THE MEANWHILE, Julian Assange, is rotten in jail, (maybe), the case of Ola Bini, a Swedish data privacy activist and associate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has been shrouded in mystery since his arrest in Quito, Ecuador, on April 11. He was detained on the same day Assange was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom, inevitably raising questions about whether Bini was being held because of his connection with Assange and whether the United States was involved in the case in some form... |

The Latest Victim in the Crucifixion of Julian Assange

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