Apr 22, 2019

GAOG | ~ Will the Galactics Handle 5G? ~ | Blogger: [👨‍🚀 As always - use your own spiritual discernment, reading on my blog😇]... but.... i'm sure that our (benevolent positive) Earth Alliance has neutralized depleted uranium & stopped nuclear weapons to function (MSM media RT.com: ‘Aliens prevented nuclear war on Earth’: Former NASA astronaut Astronaut Edgar Mitchell makes unexpected claim in 2015, revealing that Earth and nuclear war was stopped between the US and the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War')... Unfortunately he died in 2016. For those who don't know: Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, became the sixth man on the moon when he and Alan Shepard helped NASA recover from Apollo 13's "successful failure" and later devoted his life to exploring the mind, physics and unexplained phenomena such as psychics and aliens, has died in Florida. He was 85, according to FoxNews... That's the official story, staring you in the face... However, verdensalt, has come to another conclusion about the Moon visits, Moon-bases and (fake) Apollo Program: "Project A119" : also known as A Study of Lunar Research Flights, was a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon... A Wikileaks document that referred to the destruction of a US moon base sometime in the 1970s has recently gained renewed attention. The document is dated January 24, 1979, and is titled “Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon.” It was correspondence involving one or more officials from the U.S. State Department to Samuel L. Devine, a Republican member of the US Congress (read Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org) ... Later in October 9, 2009, NASA, actually “nuked” the Moon to destroy an alien base on the lunar surface first emerged in March 2012, when some UFO hunters claimed that a top-secret photo that a NASA employee with the Ames Research Center left in front of him on his desk during the LCROSS mission showed alien lunar bases in the Cabeus crater. A reporter allegedly noticed the photo in front of the NASA scientist and snapped a photograph. (The LCROSS "Centaur" kinetic energy impactor). Despite the above-mentioned facts, NASA modified the surface of the moon after launching the 2-ton kinetic weapon which created a 5-mile wide crater... sorry, got carried away...It's so, so, so important what we feed our body and minds, these days, since there's incredible 'negative' tainted informations, it's hard to grasp the reality of the 3D matrix of illusion (Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Mind Control)... |

‘NASA Dropped Nuclear Bomb On Alien Moon Base On October 9, 2009’: UFO Blogger Claims ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence [Video]
Project A119

April 21, 2019 By Steve Beckow
A reader asked if the galactics were going to handle 5G radiation.

I haven’t seen a discussion of that. But can we agree that if we find indications that they are handling other worldwide scourges, it makes sense that they’d handle 5G?

I assume that they’re not going to save planet Earth from depleted uranium, chemtrails, nuclear radiation, etc., and lose it to this.

Here Michael tells us they rid the atmosphere of the toxicity in chemtrails and omnicidal depleted uranium in the atmosphere:

Steve Beckow: Anything further to say perhaps to the readers of the blog who also are interested in chemtrails?
Archangel Michael: Chemtrails are in the same category … well, perhaps more vicious and violent, more assertive and aggressive … as the pollution of your oceans, your lakes, your rivers. And these are being neutralized one by one by one.
SB: Right.
AAM: So know this and know that is being taken care of. …
SB: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
AAM: Yes.
Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
SB: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (1)
Here Michael describes the clean-up after Fukushima:
Steve: Now, I’ve already told [the reader] that [Matthew Ward’s] Hatton has said, for instance, that agencies like NOAA are not telling the whole truth, and the galactics are cleaning up radiation. But could you reassure him as well, please?
Archangel Michael: I would be pleased to reassure him. NOAA. Yes, the extent of the radiation is not truly, completely, fully disclosed. And it is not something that we have sent alarms out over because it is being cleaned up and transmuted by your galactic and inter-galactic brothers and sisters.
So, has there been seepage into the oceans? Yes. Is it of the level that people are fearful of? No. Is it being cleaned up by your star friends? Yes. Will it have long-term effect? No, certainly because Gaia is not going to permit it. You see, Gaia has the capacity also to transmute radiation. There is natural radiation that occurs many different places and in many different forms. It is a question of balance. So, it is being attended to. (2)
As the Pleiadians said through Wes Annac in 2013:
“We are constantly in your skies, helping to mitigate and in some cases, neutralize altogether, the pollution that is continually manifested and fed on your dearest Earth.
“The cabals have quite purposely taken to harming Gaia by way of polluting Her ground, skies, waterways and atmosphere and as such, we take to stationing ourselves in dearest Gaia’s sky so that we can send out formulas and energies that help in the mitigation of the negative affects the massive pollution being fed would otherwise have.” (3)
Not only are they active in these areas, but they’ve been neutralizing toxic vaccines (and pandemic viruses) as well, says Matthew: “Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines.” (4)

Another aspect to the matter is that as we rise higher in vibration, Matthew Ward says, these harmful agents will be eliminated.

“Fear also arises about situations you don’ t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’ s high vibrations. All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have.” (5)
Here’s Matthew predicting more help in the future:
“What your family from other civilizations will do is tackle environmental issues that are beyond your capabilities—their technologies can dematerialize nuclear waste and depleted uranium, purify polluted rivers and seas, and restore deserts to arable condition. Also, their free energy systems are far advanced of your own, which by and large still are under Illuminati suppression.” (6)
“The elimination of pollutants in your soil, water and atmosphere will include depleted uranium and radioactive nuclear waste. Nuclear facilities will be dismantled.” (7)
As I said, I don’t think the galactics will save us from one peril and lose us to another. Even though I haven’t heard anything about their activities regarding 5G, I feel confident it’s being addressed.


(1) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013.

(2) “Archangel Michael: Violence and War Cannot Continue – Part 2/2,” Sept. 4, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-violence-and-war-cannot-continue-part-22/

(3) SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council, Pure Love Creates and Sustains your Realities, channeled by Wes Annac, May 27, 2013 at http://aquariusparadigm.com.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 17, 2018, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.

(4) Ibid., Feb. 1, 2012.

(5) Ibid., November 23, 2013.

(6) Ibid., Aug. 11, 2011.

For more on the subject, see “Removing Depleted Uranium,” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#Removing_Depleted_Uranium; “Chemtrails,” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#Chemtrails;

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