Feb 19, 2019

🔴TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ (ENG:) - Danish Minister presents plan: - 5G becomes a digital tiger jump in 2020 ~ | Blogger: [📶"(VIDEO:) - 5G will be 100 times faster than 4G. Demand of new smarter tech will create smaller, faster microchips in devices, robotics in the Danish Healthcare Service, self-driving cars. Denmark must be at the forefront when it comes to the deployment of 5G, which will ensure much higher speed and a more stable access to the Internet"🤳] ...O-M-G! WHAT DID HE JUST SAY 😱... Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is 😮. (2017:) - Did you know, that DENMARK with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by globalist or Bild- erberg Group), to be THE TEST country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integr- ated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? ... LET THIS BE KNOWN!☝️ Verdensalt will move out of Denmark, i have already located a another country, IF, the Ministry's plan to introduce 5G, will succeed ... 1.5 million surveillance cameras in Denmark, Chemtrails, misuse of HAARP in Trondheim Norway, devastating 5G mmWaves, internet session logging etc. etc. Total control of humankind... I'm sorry, it really sounds ludicrous, i'll understand. But, this is their aim. As an observant citizen, americanized militarization of the danish police force has already taken place. Now, like in France, Belgium, Italy and UK, Denmark (a warring nation) has also joined. Why? Control and Obedience. Just think about. Extended surveillance from CCTV cameras, Smart City Copenhagen. The police will check millions of Danish license plates. Digitalization & Robotization. Smart Homes. Cashless societies... We're seen the danish police administration cheating with taxpayers money, police force coverups -- Danish police accused of manipulating rape statistics to hide ‘hundreds’ of cases. National Police employee arrested for bribery. Danish police were under orders to make sure Chinese president didn’t “lose face” under Tibet crisis.. ". Extended visitations as an Instrument of Discipline in Early Modern Denmark, more power to the elite political dynasties and central administration... "The decision to deploy actual soldiers patrolling streets in peacetime is considered controversial and foreign, says TV 2's political editor ..". TheDeepState needs protection and that comes with military servicemen.. "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts," by George H.W. Bush... |


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