Jul 2, 2018

Allison Coe | July 2, 2018 | ~ Chakra upgrades, messages from Blue ETs, Mt. Shasta and more - BQH Client Sessions ~ | Blogger: [Andy Dufresne: (in letter to Red) - Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies] .... WoW! 💓Make it Viral!! She's funny, lively and has lots of charismatic - she's doing a fantastic job 💜... Yes - many haters out there, that's why verdensalt.dk have not activated the guest commentary (but get positive Google notifications and thanks for that. 'The Brand23' and many others🤗) ... Cannot but correlate these Hypnotic Regression Session Client Transcripts with the now deceased, Dolores Cannon, QHHT, or the many of the channeling messages from our Ascended Masters etc... |

Hi!! Thank you for watching my video about two recent, extremely synchronistic hypnosis sessions. These sessions both touched on messages from Blue beings, chakra upgrades or changes, Mt. Shasta, DNA Upgrades and so much more. For these sessions I used a type of hypnosis called Beyond Quantum Healing "BQH" - which allows for remote sessions. I also still do QHHT. A special thank you to my clients who have agreed to share their sessions with the public. I couldn't do this without you!

Care to join me for the Transformational Shift Conference in Sedona from September 28th thru September 30th? 

Find out more about BQH and/or find a Quantum Healer near you at: https://www.quantumhealers.com

Much love to all of you! Allison