Mar 18, 2018

Verdensalt | Archive Files | | Dec 13, 2017 | Theresa May uses deceptive stats to claim homelessness has fallen under Tories (VIDEO) | .. During Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called the rate of children and families facing homeless- ness a “national disgrace” as he challenged the PM to get more people into stable homes. He said one in 100 children in Britain are homeless at any one time and 128,000 will spend Christmas in temporary accommodation or on the streets .. | Blogger: Heartbreaking... ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. Brooke - just tell the prime minister, she's NOT a slam dunk.. 'Very angry' five-year-old girl tells Theresa May off over homelessness... PS: ... I just LOVE this adorable little girl, She's my hero!! ...5-year-old DEMANDS #TheresaMay does something about the "hundreds, millions" of homeless people on the street & is pretty adamant.. This video has gone viral getting over 30k views on YouTube and more on Facebook ...Broke lives in Coventry, England, and has been upset about homelessness for a long time.. She asked her mother who is "in charge" in the UK and decided to send her comments their way...According to her mom, Brooke is keen on talking to the PM about the environment and rubbish waste too...Booke's mom assured CNN the video was the young girl's idea... ๐Ÿ‘ผ ๐Ÿ’œ |

Theresa May uses deceptive stats to claim homelessness has fallen under Tories

Prime Minister Theresa May has rattled off misleading statistics on homelessness in Britain despite the Tories being criticized for using the figures in the past. She claimed that “statutory homelessness” is down by 50 percent under her party’s rule.....

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Corbyn slams May over homelessness rise


Brooke has something to say to Theresa May