Jan 6, 2017

Mike Adams the Health Ranger, founder and editor of Natural News just launched Censored.news to combat censorship and oppression (Blogger: Including Alternative news sites: Breitbart, NaturalNews, InfoWars, Activist Post, NewsTarget, Zero Hedge, Twitchy, Govt Slaves, Daily Caller, The Anti Media, The Daily Sheeple and Blacklisted News..)

I just launched Censored.news to combat censorship and oppression
Mike AdamsWe've got a new website for you to help you stay informed and alert.
It's called Censored.news.

It's designed to bypass the systemic censorship of Google, Facebook, NYT, WashPost and all the other "fakestream" media outlets that don't want the people to be truly informed.

We're adding more sites to Censored.news in the coming weeks. Headlines appear in near real time from the top censored websites on the 'net.

It also works on mobile devices. Click here for my full announcement.